Airhead ferry.. Chapter two.. Who's in?

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Race Dog
May 1, 2010
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Right fellow fellows..

If you haven't read this.. Make sure you do to get up to speed and consider yourself briefed..

Its sulke tyd alweer...

My kroos groei stadig maar seker maar daar het iets geskort..

I needed a /5 "toaster tank"  to complete my box(er)set.

Found her..

Short story long.. She will be ridden to cape town from port Elizabeth. Obviously I am not capable of writing chapter two without the original cast members.

I saw a problem... I'm in cape town now,  dapperheid is in Pretoria.. And the new addition in plz.. Dappemuis saw the problem as a challenge.. As usual.. So here's the plan..

Thursday : dappermuis rides his R90/6 ( which he bought in spares in a few wine boxes)  from Pretoria to PE. (I know.. Don't say it. Crazy comes to mind.) he will overnight and pull into PE just in time for beer o clock.

That same day ( Fri)  I will fly to PE. (sounds much easier huh...)  we will team up there,  talk a little bit of shit.. And depart sat morning early on his beemer and my newly acquired beemer.
Plan is to travel route 62 from beginning to end.

Planned speed.. A out 110 to 230kph. We will overnight about halfway and pull into cape town on Sunday about midday.

You saw our ride report,  you know how chill we roll.. So please accept our invite here and join for the beginning,  end part,  any part in between,  or the whole thing! 

Dit gaan,  soos altyd,  "trip of epic proportion"  wees.

Sy lyk so...  1972 toaster.
