Aliwal North and surrounding areas.

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A great trip well reported.  Thanks for putting it all together Crab.

For others going over the Zuurberg pass soon, watch out for a big herd of cattle in the final sections under the trees at the top, especially at twilight.
Hi Crab,

You asked me to comment, I am without words.

...No, I am frikkin green with envy!!! And not the Kawasaki green!!

Nice report!!

Not to vrot mate!  I lived in Lady Grey for two years until moving to Bloem in the beginning of this year - it is GS heaven!  And did karamba told you the story of how he bit the the pofadder that dared to attack him?!
Ai this brought back memories !!! I grew up in Burgersdorp, and we visited die Bronne lot's.... there are so many paadjies in that area you ride there for day's ;D ;D
Great piccies showing the riding conditions! The Cape certainly has a edge over mountain passes.  :razz: :cool:
and there was more  :eek:

thanks for the pics once again, an awesome part of the country i haven't been to, ... .... and must explore soon!!

i like the idea of the basecamp. lekker report  :thumright:
Many thanks for that report.  A part of the country I don't know.  Your plan of doing day rides from a base is one I will use when I go there.  Will file this report for reference.  Thanks.
Those were casawarys (sp?) were they not.  No idea where so tell us.
shark_za said:
This is so close to the proposed 2008 "Rough It Bash" ;)

& now there are some pics up of how lekker the area is maybe the enthusiasm for the bash will rise a bit....

Lekker ride report & great pics - well done
