AMAGEZA 2013..... So much more! (SS4- last vid added)

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T9ER said:
Great report bud, sums it up nicely. Thanks for picking up my bike when I had that big off ! I nearly threw it all away on that last special.......lesson learnt. Loved racing that special together some of the coolest riding I've ever done. Good times.
I also remember seeing those tracks in front of us where someone was clearly flat out and overshot a good number of corners, had a good chuckle in my helmet a few times.
Well done once again on a well deserved win. Great job.

I think you've got Peters and my thread mixed.

Great to have met though and enjoyed the chats.
Kamanya said:
T9ER said:
Great report bud, sums it up nicely. Thanks for picking up my bike when I had that big off ! I nearly threw it all away on that last special.......lesson learnt. Loved racing that special together some of the coolest riding I've ever done. Good times.
I also remember seeing those tracks in front of us where someone was clearly flat out and overshot a good number of corners, had a good chuckle in my helmet a few times.
Well done once again on a well deserved win. Great job.

I think you've got Peters and my thread mixed.

Great to have met though and enjoyed the chats.

Howzit bud
Just finished Bonovo's last night, about to start on yours. Figured I should start on a 450 to try and prep myself for that beast of a 990 of yours. Still have no idea how you got through those specials. I must say I think you made up a fair bit of time with your 190km/h top speed on those dirt roads.....not for the faint-hearted. Well played.
T9ER said:
Kamanya said:
T9ER said:
Great report bud, sums it up nicely. Thanks for picking up my bike when I had that big off ! I nearly threw it all away on that last special.......lesson learnt. Loved racing that special together some of the coolest riding I've ever done. Good times.
I also remember seeing those tracks in front of us where someone was clearly flat out and overshot a good number of corners, had a good chuckle in my helmet a few times.
Well done once again on a well deserved win. Great job.

I think you've got Peters and my thread mixed.

Great to have met though and enjoyed the chats.

Howzit bud
Just finished Bonovo's last night, about to start on yours. Figured I should start on a 450 to try and prep myself for that beast of a 990 of yours. Still have no idea how you got through those specials. I must say I think you made up a fair bit of time with your 190km/h top speed on those dirt roads.....not for the faint-hearted. Well played.

Ha! I got my threads mixed up, you were in the right thread after all.
Hey my brother. Thanks so much for the awesome ride report. It was an honour to ride with you again, pitty the other leg of our tripod wasn't there but you made him proud, and me too.
Did not finish but at least my bike took me to the destination, that tar road was torture, worse than my wrist.
Looking forward seeing you and your 950 tomorrow, some riding and some Dave Matthews Band ahead.
See you next year Amageza.
'All will be okay in the end!'
Crazy Horse said:
Hey my brother. Thanks so much for the awesome ride report. It was an honour to ride with you again, pitty the other leg of our tripod wasn't there but you made him proud, and me too.
Did not finish but at least my bike took me to the destination, that tar road was torture, worse than my wrist.
Looking forward seeing you and your 950 tomorrow, some riding and some Dave Matthews Band ahead.
See you next year Amageza.
'All will be okay in the end!'

Howzit Crazy Horse glad to see you still around...
Hey Go Girl
Still here, just been off the radar for some time.
Hope to ride with you somewhere in the near future
Sorry for the massive delay in finishing this report! Had the Roof and then pretty much jumped on my 950 and headed down to CT.....

I think it was by far the best sleep I had had in days....and we got to sleep in too cause it was just prize giving in to morning and then we were to head off home. We had breakfast and then all got together for the last event of Amageza 2013. I think there were mixed feeling that morning. The racing was over and for that I was sad. But it had been an incredible time and everyone was in one piece and for that I was very glad. The atmosphere was very jovial and smiles were everywhere.
I remember getting that feeling that I should have pushed my limits a bit know that feeling? Where you know you stayed in your comfort zone just a little too much? It's all about racing yourself after all, pushing your own limits.

It was time to get our finishers medals (handshakes for now) and it was a very proud moment to go up.

I was sad for the guys who were left off for whatever was not for lack of effort and I felt like some of the non finishers deserved more recognition than us finishers. Everyone seemed to be looking around after that, wondering who had won.
And so it started with the announcement of the smallest, biggest trophy..... The "men of men" prize which I think everyone was very happy to have gone to Rudy. He truly did stand out amongst the rest of us in terms of helping and encouraging all around him.
Then for the places.... 3rd went to Kobus on his 690 Rallye. I was like wow.....he was pretty fast and he's 3rd?!
2nd went to Willem on his 690. I was super happy about that. What a nice guy! I had "met" him up in the stands on day 1 and had given him some patching glue after SS3 to fix a puncture, but I wish we could have ridden a bit together. You know how some people you just know you'll just get on with....
Then it was 1st place. I was looking around and wondering.... I glanced over at Joey...he was my guess at that point. They announced rider 107 and for a second I was looking around trying to remember who that was. Then it sank in when Alex said my name. Hahahaha I was quite dumbstruck and I had truly not expected that!!! I had hoped to place in the top 10 and secretly hoped for that.
Shaking Alex and Wayne's hands was quite special and it took quite awhile to sink in.

After that we all just mulled around and loaded bikes onto trailers for the long overland truck trip back to CT.

The truck ride home was EPIC, and a whole story on its own, with some very funny characters and moments. The "guys" bough me champagne before we left and I must say that that was a really touching thing for me....much more than any trophy.

View from the back

Trying to get some sleep.....not really possible

Finally we got in to base camp at 04h30 and it was about 8am when we finally arrived back in Malmesbury....very tired! Then it was some serious sleeping and resting before packing up and heading back to Natal

On the road at a roadblock where I saw Martinus and co a few cars in front of me!

Last thanks and comments to follow  :)

:ricky: :ricky:

And I bet you will treasure that trophy for years to come , you earned it the hard way.  :thumleft:
Excellent stuff Peter. Once again well done for such a clean, smooth ride!
So yes, for me the Amageza was so much more than I expected. It was a steep learning curve and a hell of an experience for all that went. Next year well be back better, faster and more prepared, and no doubt the event will throw more challenges at us! Alex and the team have some amazing routes planned already and hopefully a 4-5 day event next time  :ricky: I for one will be there like a bear..... And I've already started the bits and pieces that need doing on the bike in prep for testing.
I would like to thank once again the Amageza team for all the hard work and hours put into the event and the post event reports, photos and comments. I cannot think of a more pleasant and friendly team of people and I hope that you are all involved again next year! N[]VA, Kamanya, Rynet and Pleco deserve special mention too for there ride reports, videos and photos.

Also from my side I'd like to thank TR-TEC (Clayton and Howard)in natal for the superb work they did and still do on my bike. Great guys! And congrats on building a bike that stood up to Amageza with ease.
Also BMW Ryder Motorrad in natal for the time and effort put into helping me and getting me kitted out and ready to roll. Always helpful and friendly service there.
These two companies are the reason that I went with the BMW 450 as I knew that I would get the best service from them......I was not disappointed!!!

It goes without saying that my riding buddy Claude is top of the list for thanks. It is always an honor to ride with you and I can't wait till the next one!!

When I get back to natal i'll edit day 3's video, and I have some cool pics too from the photographers - yay! Till then, thanks for reading and keep it rubber side down.....wooooohooooooo.
Many thanks for sharing and congrats...job well done!  :thumleft:
A few of the pics from the pro-photographers  :thumleft:

hope this works - SS 3

<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Amageza SS3</a> from <a href="">peter how</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
bonova said:
hope this works - SS 3

<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Amageza SS3</a> from <a href="">peter how</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

This is the link to use I think. Gonna watch it now.

Amageza SS3 on Vimeo

Calliong N[]va : we need some help to embed these vids!  :deal:
Lekker video, I found myself regularly sitting up in my chair to look over the fairing :imaposer:

You were moving seriously fast through some of that rough stuff! :eek:
BlueBull2007 said:
bonova said:
hope this works - SS 3

<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Amageza SS3</a> from <a href="">peter how</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>

This is the link to use I think. Gonna watch it now.

Amageza SS3 on Vimeo

Calliong N[]va : we need some help to embed these vids!  :deal:
hehe I think I need to add some mods to the forum (modifications not moderators)
BlueBull2007 said:
Lekker video, I found myself regularly sitting up in my chair to look over the fairing :imaposer:

You were moving seriously fast through some of that rough stuff! :eek:

Thanks Neil! Ja  - I still feel like such a tool for mounting the camera too low - what a pity.
I tried to embed the video, but no luck.....
Will get the SS 4 section done in the next few days :biggrin:
Too nice Peter and shot for the interesting and well written RR.

The Badger said:
Too nice Peter and shot for the interesting and well written RR.


Thanks bud!  :thumleft: