Amageza 2015 and Team 525

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Guys are all through scrutineering. Been a great day tomorrow they head up to the bots border area. Best sound imaginable was this morning when all five bikes started up and headed off. Riders all sleeping 4:00 wake up to be at parc ferme got 5. Andrew to put in new air filter foam as forgot to before. Team
Is gelling nicely as are we as support.
bungycool said:
Guys are all through scrutineering. Been a great day tomorrow they head up to the bots border area. Best sound imaginable was this morning when all five bikes started up and headed off. Riders all sleeping 4:00 wake up to be at parc ferme got 5. Andrew to put in new air filter foam as forgot to before. Team
Is gelling nicely as are we as support.

Never realized you were there BC! :thumleft: You must be so stoked, as I know you are a die hard rally nut.
Ja I got a wildcard crew ticket. I know I'm not allowed to swear but vark it's an awesome experience to be here. Standard of bike prep is really high.
Looking good guys. Good luck for tomorrow

YEAH!! :thumleft:

It if wasnt for this team the freaking world would not know what the SS3 results were. You guys rock!

Btw to Extreme Lights:

As a spectator and having nothing really to do with Team 525 I must say a big THANK you for being such a great sponsor to our guys!

I have been watching your whatsapps and comments and its not often that riders have the luxury of this kind of support from a sponsor. It seems your lights are being put to very good use and have been doing the job too! :thumleft:

Just in case you missed it, check this thread out for up to the minute info.;topicseen#new

Baie geluk my boetie. So trots op jou.