Race Dog
absolutely awesum....riveting stuff ... :thumleft: :thumleft:
time to make a movie guys...
time to make a movie guys...
Berm_Rooster said:I only read this now after being alerted to it by TrailRider. This is my last day in the office for 2009, and I can truly say it was well spent. Magic stuff.
Words that spring to mind: Awesome; Inspiring; Heart-warming; Mettle; Soulful; Spirit... one can carry on forever.
Now MJ...
Did you ever write the book?
None of the PDFs are hosted anymore, does anyone have it & would be willing to mail it to me?
McSpafter said:Where can I get the PDF... please someone share it somewhere that it can be downloaded from!
Berm_Rooster said:It are 19MegaBlobs. You want?
Dont blame me if your server does a Hic-burp-Up.