Angola, it's not like they said.

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Kortbroek said:
katana said:
I know my missus is peeved with me for reading the entire thread this evening.  It was worth it.  A mortal dreaming.

No need to feel guilty. I was in the office at 05h30 today already, having a lot of work to get done this week. 2h20 ago I stumbled onto this thread when I glanced at WD and I just could not stop reading. Now I'm going to have to work 2 hours later tonight to make up for it, but was worth every minute.

On the original posting, it was also posted on ADV Rider, those snow bound cabin fevered Septics were salivating for the next post.... :biggrin: :biggrin:
Just read this after following a link from another post - couple of comments:
1. FAAAAARRRRK!!!!! true adventurers - Livingstone se ma - that'll show 'the long way' what true grit is actually about!
2. Hats off to all these guys but especially Fred - imagine doing all that for so long with a broken (not strained or torn) ankle!!!!
3. Africa will always surprise you
4.  Fornicate all Politicians - they turn their own inadequacies into a 'mine is bigger than yours' competition everytime - a few Black Labels would have prevented all that unfriendliness.
Great read guys!!!
This post is not a highjack, just wanted to give everyone a update on Jose a decade later, seeing as he is such a central figure in this RR.  Not sure if MJ and co still follow this thread, but if you do then this is for you - he remembers you guys well.

Anyway - this report was my initial inspiration for doing an unsupported trip through Angola - have now done it multiple times and am a much richer person for it.  Unfortunately Jose's Biker Bar has closed down (partner did him in) but Jose is still doing great and the Falcons still tear it up playing band in Lubango. 

We ran into him at the foot Leba pass, turns out the Lubango bikers club had their Sunday outride that day.  It started coming down big time and these guys made a convoy, with us in the middle, being on 500's with knobbies we obviously couldn't go fast in the rain and they shielded us from traffic, and Jose put us up for the night.

Some pics of him:

They bought us lunch at the stalls at the foot:

On top of the pass:

Jose helping a crazy Brit plan a route:

This is a RR that keeps on giving.

Spend last couple of hours reading it.  What an amazing trip.

I would NEVER have the balls to go through the Doodsakker. 

Hats of gentlemen  :ricky:
Still the best trip I've done to date. Jose also treated us like kings, glad to see he's still doing so..
Wow, what a fantastic RR!
I lift my cap in great respect to you guys.  :thumleft:
Ok, I can't let this shit go.

Allow me to introduce the band.

On drums - Jo, took eleven bullets in the leg, some of them tracers, twelve years now and the leg still weeps puss every so often.

On vocals and lead guitar, José, shot by my people.

On backup guitar - (can't recall his name), spent three days in an upside down, shot out tank with the bodies of seven of his crew and his leg broken in seven places.


These are the people we were supposed to kill.

What a fucking waste it would have been.

How wrong it would have been.
Busy reading this for the first time. This post is pure raw emotion. So well stated.

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