Another little ride around the country side - EC / WC dogs, pull in!

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Grey Hound
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
Following on our last little ride around the countryside (wow - can't believe that's 6 years ago already!), it is time for another one.    We will be going during the same time of year too, especially since this year the public holidays fall very favourably for us leave-constrained working girls.  The weather across the country is also relatively well suited to this sort of travelling, not too cold or too wet anywhere (although you wouldn't say it from the last trip where we got absolutely soaked and chilled to the bone riding through the Free State).

Our plan is to repeat as little as possible across these trips, the idea being to see new things and to experience a completely different part of the country by bike.  Considering that we only get to do one of these every 5 years or so, it makes sense - I would have no qualms about retreading our last steps, but new sights and sounds are what we plan on finding here.

The pillion is the same, but her accommodations will be a vast improvement over the last trip:


The rear seat is wide, firm but comfortable, and heated ;D  Obviously with a big heavy beast like this, I will be shying away from the more technical routes a little, but I struggle to think of a better tool to cover these vast distances with.

I will however be keeping a close eye on the stats and how it compares to these from the last trip on the KLR:

Some stats for those so inclined...
Total distance covered: ~ 3 500km
Average consumption, petrol: ~ 19 km/l
Average consumption, oil: ~ 2000 km/l
Average bed price: R 150 p.p.p.n. excluding breakfast
Average breakfast price: R 40 p.p.

In the next few posts I will be laying out our planned route, with things that we plan on seeing and doing along the way.  Our accommodations and dates are pretty much fixed, but I would really appreciate input on things that I might be missing, deviations on the route which might be worthwhile and things to see which are worth a detour, from guys that know the area well.  This served us so well on our last trip!

A quick overlook though:


Time frame: 18 April to 3 May
Planned distance: 4000 km
Averaged distance per day: 250 km
Planned average distance per riding day: 400 km
Total rest days: 6
Number of beer icon waypoints enroute: 4 - 3 of which are actual breweries.