Anyone up for a few days in Mozambique? leaving next Tuesday

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Jun 1, 2010
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Hey Dawgs

I am heading up to Mozambique for a few days next week, and was wondering if there is anyone who is keen to come along for a bit of a ride. I am going on my own anyways, but would be nice to ride with others.  THe plan is to head from home in Howick and aim for swaziland.Either camp over night near the SA/swazi border and ride to moz the next day, or ride into swaziland and camp, Then ride into Moz the following day. Basically put in a longish first day, and then have a full day to reach Bilene. I dont want to ride into Moz on day 1 as its going to be a chilled ride and I am not in that much of a hurry. I have about a week or so to do the trip I am thinking of....

So, enter through the Namaacha border post. From there head up the R251 to the N4 and on to Moamba. from here take the back roads to Bilene(33kms from Macia) Spend a day or so chilling on the beach and then head north past Xai Xai along the N1 and stop near Inhambane perhaps. And then a short spurt of 200kms or so further up to Pomene Nature Conservation.  And spend a few days there doing nothing but working on my tan and swimming in clean ocean.... the usual unwinding activities etc etc!!  :ricky:  :3some: :ricky:

And then, just when the holiday feeling kicks in and I think to myself... " I could get used to this" I get back on the bike and head back home and to the bloody office once more. :lamer:

Basically will be leaving this....


for this....


and this


I have not planned a return route. I will probably just wing it on the way back... follow my nose kind of thing.