Pack Dog
Somehow the stupid GPS decided to take us through the scenic route, for whatever reason ( don’t get me started on artificial intelligence – the sheer uselessness and stupidity of a GPS is proof enough that no AI is going to steal my job, or most jobs, anytime soon!).
We ended up doing a total of 104 kms through smaller and smaller tracks.
By the time we found the BACK entrance to Erindi (Stupid GPS!), I was rather tired. The gate reminded me of Jurassic Park. It was huge.
(This is actually the main gate, taken when we left by the correct Main Gate the following day!)
And then you had the warning board: “ enter at your own risk”; “ do not stop”, “ do not leave your vehicle”, “do not step out of your car”, “open top cars are banned”…. but somehow the armed guard (carrying a huge shotgun!) at the gate, did not seem to think that stepping into Jurassic Park, I mean Erindi, on our motorbikes, was dangerous!
I asked him: “What about the lions?”.
He answered: “Ah, if you see lions, just drive through.”
“Great!” I thought, “I hope the lions got the memo!”.
We ended up doing a total of 104 kms through smaller and smaller tracks.
By the time we found the BACK entrance to Erindi (Stupid GPS!), I was rather tired. The gate reminded me of Jurassic Park. It was huge.
(This is actually the main gate, taken when we left by the correct Main Gate the following day!)

And then you had the warning board: “ enter at your own risk”; “ do not stop”, “ do not leave your vehicle”, “do not step out of your car”, “open top cars are banned”…. but somehow the armed guard (carrying a huge shotgun!) at the gate, did not seem to think that stepping into Jurassic Park, I mean Erindi, on our motorbikes, was dangerous!
I asked him: “What about the lions?”.
He answered: “Ah, if you see lions, just drive through.”
“Great!” I thought, “I hope the lions got the memo!”.