Back on a Bike (bikeless no more)

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meurig said:
Jon check out this channel

Congrats on the bike, it looks the business

Thanks meurig, lots to learn there  :thumleft:
JonW said:
meurig said:
Jon check out this channel

Congrats on the bike, it looks the business

Thanks meurig, lots to learn there  :thumleft:

Quite entertaining as well, his other channel is Adventure OZ
Very lekker Jon, glad you are back on a dirt bike; interesting your comparisons with the XRR and the happy button - very difficult to go back. I have a little experience as I had a 520 that had been ridden hard in competition (not by me - I babied it) and it was absolutely reliable and not much different to my 2006 525 power wise (in fact I think the 525 runs hotter), the suspension was just slightly better on the 525 (although maybe not as stable in sand) but I've spent more on it (the KTM fork seals are not Honda).

You do get a 13 litre tank which is great and a behemoth 25 odd litre one that makes the bike very front heavy if it's full. If you are touring the sub frame is not that strong. Maybe check the rims and spokes, mine loosened, broke a few and cracked the rim. Also the chain slider that it doesn't eat the swing arm; KTM have a loose chain compared to Jap bikes. No cush hub so I've always run knobblies.The seat is from the devil and is only tolerable if you compare it to a bicycle. Try not let the front sprocket run loose (it usually leaks a bit of oil to let you know) - re-dish the washer as the orange aren't making RFS counter shafts any more.

Many happy km's.
husky said:
Very lekker Jon, glad you are back on a dirt bike; interesting your comparisons with the XRR and the happy button - very difficult to go back. I have a little experience as I had a 520 that had been ridden hard in competition (not by me - I babied it) and it was absolutely reliable and not much different to my 2006 525 power wise (in fact I think the 525 runs hotter), the suspension was just slightly better on the 525 (although maybe not as stable in sand) but I've spent more on it (the KTM fork seals are not Honda).

You do get a 13 litre tank which is great and a behemoth 25 odd litre one that makes the bike very front heavy if it's full. If you are touring the sub frame is not that strong. Maybe check the rims and spokes, mine loosened, broke a few and cracked the rim. Also the chain slider that it doesn't eat the swing arm; KTM have a loose chain compared to Jap bikes. No cush hub so I've always run knobblies.The seat is from the devil and is only tolerable if you compare it to a bicycle. Try not let the front sprocket run loose (it usually leaks a bit of oil to let you know) - re-dish the washer as the orange aren't making RFS counter shafts any more.

Many happy km's.

Thanks for your comments Jon, been looking at that 13l tank, would probably give me enough distance between stops.

You are right about that seat, it is straight from hell. At least it means I will spend most of the time on the pegs.
On the XR, using the front brake was like a request to reduce speed at some unspecified time in the future,

:laughing4: :laughing4: :lol8: :lol8:

I'd love to get something like this in future for single tracks. :thumleft:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
I'd love to get something like this in future for single tracks. :thumleft:

You won't regret it Chris, they are dirt cheap and lots of fun. Got mine back from roadworthy this morning, passed first time and didn't have to spend a cent
I’m looking forward to joining in on a few JonW rides in the future.  My 525 needs a play date.

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