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DEON 1190

Race Dog
Sep 5, 2018
Reaction score
KTM 1190 Adventure
This past weekend we did a Saturday/ Sunday 1300 kilo ride to Balito . Just for the joy of riding , We could have taken the N3 but I have never been to the places along the route via Zululand , so it was agreed on a back road ride .
Our route down was
And back
Yes is the long way down , but what a ride , left Saturday morning at 7.30 via N3 to Heidelberg and then the R23 to Volksrust , here we stopped for a very nice breakfast at Espresso art cafe . After breakfast we filled up and back on the road , Now when we left it was 18 degrees , it Slowly warmed up and was sitting at 25 . We ride on enjoy the pass down to Newcastle . The roads are pretty good , a pothole here and there . Closing in on DUNDEE and its hot . like 35 . We stop at the Wimpy for a cold coke . Check the distance and we have plenty fuel , We back on the road R33 to Greytown . This is ZULULAND proper , I would thing way back this must have been a very nice road , but now its dotted with speed bumps , some huge some small and most unmarked , had to be super wake up ! Tugela ferry is the pits , Not worth stopping for anything and it was hot . We ride on and as we approach Greytown the clouds are black , rain eminent , We run into it , but not bad , our kit keeps us dry , Couple Ks and some bends later the rain stops , its over to our left ! We pull into Greytown for a drink and check our route , we riding into the rain . But we have no option its the route chosen so we set off . Steam coming of the road mist up the visor , making it difficult to see the road , we slow and ride defensively . Just north of Stanger my low fuel light comes on 50Ks to empty . we make it to Stanger with 30 to empty ;)
We fill up but the tank only take 19.5 litres . Capacity is 23lts , Not sure why this the case , (reminder set to check up) We have 40 ks to Balito . We arrive just after 4 pm . Slightly damp but not wet . Change out of the riding gear and go for a welcome swim . Dress and out for dinner .

Long day in the saddle and possibly over tired , cant fall asleep , Must have dosed off , and wake up as my alarm goes of at 5.30 , need to shower , pack and be ready for departure at 7 am . Our host who also rides was tasking us on one of their routes for breakfast .
We meet up with some locals and we 5 bikes heading to NOODSBER COUNTRY CLUB for breakfast , Overcast morning , that has plenty wet mist . More of ZULULAND and its speed bumps we make it to the Country club , damp and bikes dirty from the mud on the roads , Sugar cane farms all over .
After breakfast we say our goodbyes and head towards Dalton and Greytown , With all the rain its green but one cant sight see , Eyes on the road . Greytown we turn north west towards Mugen -Weenen -Colenso - Ladysmith .
One must be wakeup as there is Goats and cattle on the road around every corner , and in some cases local drivers that cant drive . THIS TAKES TIME !
I check my fuel range and it looks ok , no need to stop in Ladysmith , but as we approach the N3 Tugela toll I have 70 Ks to empty , We run up VAN REENENENS PASS and pull into the garage their only to find it closed , So on to Swinburne , fill up and again it only take 19.5 lts !
Pitstop in Harrismith and Villiers gets us home by 4 pm again . Well planned . As we chat about the trip the power goes off WELCOME BACK ! 😅
some photos
B 5 is a plack of JONTY RHODES when he played at NOODSBERG CLUB


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Nice video, thanks for sharing (y)