BASH and back

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Baie mooi geskryf Nimmo. Was gaaf om jou te ontmoet en lekker gesels.  :thumleft:
jupiter said:
Baie mooi geskryf Nimmo. Was gaaf om jou te ontmoet en lekker gesels.  :thumleft:

Wollie  :pot: :peepwall: Eddie stuur ook groete  :thumleft:
Great report and photos.  Brought back great memories of a great bash
Nimmo said:
I made it very clear that I ride the HP at 50% of its capability but that I enjoy it 100%.  :biggrin: :biggrin:
For now "riding god" in these twisty mountain roads with ruts and bends and “lae water bruggies” that force you just to exit it with some air time.  I don’t know what it looked like but it felt GOOD

Nimmo, riding behind you (where I managed to keep up) was one of the highlights of my weekend. You are without a doubt one of the most stylish riders that I have ever had the privilege of watching. Smaak my ek gaan ook een van SGB se kursusse moet bywoon.....  :ricky:

Great RR, dankie. Was great om jou (en jou pragstuk) te ontmoet. Sien uit na nog rides en kuiers.  :thumleft:
Nimmo, nice job done on your bike! Did see it up close, nice photos as well, trust this weekend not to cold and windy diwn southM
Thanks guys - REALLY enjoyed the ride there and back and met plenty of NICE / FRIENDLY people  :thumleft:
Nice one Nimmo. See you again next time...
Nice RR thanks. It was nice to reminisce about last year.
Was there too and had a great time.
Unfortunately won't make this years bash.