Bicycle vs motorcycle (comparing apples with apples)

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blue flame

Pack Dog
Jan 8, 2008
Reaction score
Suzuki DR-Z 400
I have ridden n bicycles all my life and after doing some investigation into motorcycles I canâ??t help but identifying the huge similarities between the two.
Bicycles have different type, Racing, circuit, mountain bike, downhill bike. Within these groups are different price ranges and suppliers. Lets take the mountain bike, suppliers Raleigh, Trek canndale to name but a few. We all agree that there is a difference between a 2000, 4000, 10000 and 40000 rand bike depending on your own personal need. If I was a professional I would bought the 40000 rand bike but since a do the Argus once a year and maybe 2 to three races additional a 2000 bike would have been enough, after riding for a while I found the maintenance to much on the cheaper bikes, frames was to heavy needed a better shock in front for off roading because of more races etc and I bought a 6000 rand bike. In that range I could have bought a Trek, Raleigh or cannondale then I started to compare apples with apples on component level, Frame, brakes group set, shock etc and settled for the Trek.
My point is this should we not do the same when we try to compare motorcycles? Lets take the Suzuki KLR 650 vs BMW 650GS Dakar vs KTM 650 Adventure for instance. If we look at price one motorcycle is 49000 another 77000 and the other 79000 big difference in price. But lets forget about price and start looking at frame. Shocks general components, after market service etc can we then really compare these motorcycles with one another?
Both of then is capable of doing the same job, one may be better than the other giving more driving pleasure obviously at a price. Motorcycles is expensive and it is not easy to buy a new one in a years time because you made a mistake, so pleasure is important to me. I want to no forgetting price what is the advantages of one motorcycle above the over if we look at the whole picture.
For instance KLR (breaks is really crappy expensive to replace with new ones), BMW (superior front shock, brakes in a league of their own), KTM Adventurer (brilliant off-road but bounce to much on road according to the current bike SA report)
Everyone wants to know in their minds that what they did was the right thing, but are we objective (taking into account what if we had R40000 more would you have bought the same bike and why)