Bike Needed for 2 Days - Bleom/Welkom Area

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petri oosthuizen

Grumpy Mutt
WD Vendor
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 600 Z
As above.

This Thread refers ..............

I'd like to do the Bike Licence Thing in the near Future, actually ASAP.

We have ONLY Bloem and Welkom in the States that are still equipped for this, so I'll need to travel, to make the "Appointment", then to go do the Physical Test, etc etc etc

I'll also have to take a Lesson or 2 a Day or 2 before the time, to know what they gonna require from me to Pass.

So...........Ja, its a MOERSE Struggle this, Apartheid lyk soos 'n fokken Vulletjie as jy na my Predicament kyk:cautious:🥹

At this stage, Bleom will work best for me - my SIL stays there, so would be "easier" than staying over in a "foreign" Place..........BUT yes, I guess anywhere within a reasonable Distance from Bethlehem will also do, say around 200/250km.

Can Anyone guide me Here PLEASE..........:

1) Except Bloem, where would be a "nice" alternative to Bloem, maybe a smaller/easier/whatever Test Station?? Say, example, Heidelberg, even smaller like Greylingstad (just thimb sucking here, but you get my point)....?? Nigel?? Etc Etc Etc.
I travel to GP quite often, so to get the "Afspraak", and then pick up my Licence Card again, is more than doable
2) I would need to rent/boroow/steal a Bike for (say) at the MAX 2/3 Days. As "easy" as possible, say something 125/190 XR, etc etc etc??
Dont want this for free, and I'll FULLY insure it, sign an Agreement iro possible damages, etc etc etc
Once again - dont even know WHERE, lets say Bloem/Welkom area, or somewhere (example) Vaal or Southern GP area?

THANKS SO FAR..........Any Pointers appreciated!!

As I type, I suspect Bloem would be the most "logistically" easy place to be (but yes, again, open for other Suggestions)