Old fart
Race Dog
My son was taken out on Saterday in Boksburg by a f8%$#^&8 Rent-a-Cop (AAA Alarms) The rent a cop just turned in front of my son to park under a tree. Stars to the Boksburg North SAPD as they were there in a flash. The cops were there before the break downs arrived. I asked the rent-a-copwhat happened and he said at first he did'nt see the bike coming. The next moment he said my son was speeding. So he did see the bike coming but turned regardless. My son is in hospital with a broked collar bone and also recieved six stitches to his chin.
At the same time a couple was taken out in north rand road by a F7&^%* skipping a red light. Where will it stop???
At the same time a couple was taken out in north rand road by a F7&^%* skipping a red light. Where will it stop???