Race Dog
Hi Everyone,
What's the general consensus on bleeding the brakes on my type of bike? There are two schools of thought on F650.com (https://faq.f650.com/GSFAQs/TheABSFAQ.htm#ABS & Brake Bleeding. Can I still do it myself)
Some people on there reckon it can't be done without the MoDiTeC tool - others say it's possible?
I really don't mind doing the work, I just don't want to put myself in a position where I can only do the job halfway and then have to pay big $$$ to courier my bike to the local BMW dealer, who is 400km's away.
What's the general consensus on bleeding the brakes on my type of bike? There are two schools of thought on F650.com (https://faq.f650.com/GSFAQs/TheABSFAQ.htm#ABS & Brake Bleeding. Can I still do it myself)
Some people on there reckon it can't be done without the MoDiTeC tool - others say it's possible?
I really don't mind doing the work, I just don't want to put myself in a position where I can only do the job halfway and then have to pay big $$$ to courier my bike to the local BMW dealer, who is 400km's away.