That KDX was also me about 20 years ago, then i was just Kubu. Shows you how bad studying forever is for the mind!
I actually do know the first rule of adventure but honestly thought (at that point) i would definitely die going back through ALL THAT. Had no GPS with me and was convinced i was on the straight northbound road (river) with kubu island roads to the East (the triangle on the map)and that i must cross it very soon (never came) were i will then wait (risking death by mozi suffication). Turns out i was already east of these roads to start with. I regret that and hope the guys (especially my closest cousin) really forgave me. Easy to make the right decision now but when you're so tired I'm sure the 'mosquito monsoon' will force it on many. Perseverance was always my strong suite and i have no suite for direction. "NEVER ride out in front Kubu" -- guilty as charged your honor!
Loved the trip - thanks guys.
PS: No shower rails on the 690!