Braking Technique

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Blou Zebu

Grey Hound
Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
Hi to all!

Uhm I got my DR650 about 2.5 weeks ago and have been stuck in Antananarivo's traffic all the time. But on Thursday afternoon I jumped on the bike and headed to Ampefy (Look out for the trip report).

But I realized something. I have acquired a new habit when driving. See the first photo

I keep my index finger extended over the brake lever. And in the city it works fine, where you are going slowish tobegin with. Its great for stop go.

But on the open road if you need to stop quickly it doesnt work. Your other fingers get trapped between the lever and throttle preventing you from braking.

So I am proposing method 2 See photo 2.

By having your fingers over the brake lever you can obviously brake quikcer And here in Madagascar your braking is more important than you accelerating. People animals cars, truck, bicycles and ox-carts all conspire against you. Not to mention the crazy fools who just run into the road with out looking. And this is on the open road! O yes and pot holes!

Any thoughts?

Im off to church, see you later!


Photo three: I saw this SuperBike racer doing this on TV once. My theory is that this allows him to accelarate furthe into the corner before having to brake.


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