Bringing my new baby back home

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Aug 2, 2008
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BMW R1200GS Adventure
Last week I bought whitefish’s F800GS. I flew down to Cape Town at 06:00 on Friday 24th December to collect the bike and ride it back to Johannesburg. The perfect bonding experience with me new bike.

I landed in Cape Town and saw that it was pouring with December...........weird........ I met up with whitefish and did all the paperwork, great meeting you Willem. It is such a pleasure doing business with other wilddogs. I have never met Willem, never even seen the bike. We just spoke on the phone a few times and communicated with a few PM’s. This is one thing I love about this forum. The bike was exactly what I expected and ran like a dream.

I work for a Courier Company and we have branch next to the Cape Town Airport. I sent my tent, sleeping bag and all that crap down to our office earlier during the week. I collected the bike from Willem and made my way back to the office. Had one little moment when I rounded a corner and I was on the gas a bit quick and a bit aggressive, remember I ride a X-Challenge, and the 800 has WAY more power, and the rear Karoo Knobbly stepped out quite a bit on the wet tar. I was suddenly reminded to take things easy in the rain....

Now I have been to Cape Town a few times, but always for work, so this time I wanted to be a real tourist. I made my way to Bloubergstrand to take a pic of the mountain and my bike. But the weather was crap and and the mountain covered in clouds, so I took a pic and decided to rather just hit the road and get going.



I have always wanted to ride up to the Steenbras Dam, so I took the road towards Rooi-Els and headed up to the pump station. It was still raining, but just a soft drizzle enough to fog up my glasses in my helmet.



After the Steenbras Road, I took the coastal road to Rooi-Els, Pringle Bay and Kleinmond. This road must be a great ride if you can see anything and when it is not raining......

At Kleinmond I decided to head inland towards Botrivier to hit some dirtroads. I took a beautiful road from Botriver towards Theewaterskloof Dam.



Once I got to Theewaterkloof Dam, it started to rain again. I had no rain from Kleinmond to the dam. I thought I would head towards Worcester, and then Robertson, but I saw the turn-off to Franschhoek, and decided to go and see what it looks like there, as I have never been anywhere apart from Cape Town. I took the road up and down the Franschhoek Pass in the rain. Again, this must be an awesome road if you can see and it is not raining.




Just after Franschhoek, I spotted two D/S bikes, a KTM690 and a KTM640. I immediately recognised the 690, it was Hardey (hh/hh) here on the forum. I chased them down and had a nice chat, they were on an epic road (off-road) trip through South Africa. After our brief chat, I headed towards Paarl, and rode the Du Toit’s Kloof Pass. What a nice road this was. The rain had completely cleared now and I loved the twisties on the 800.



I then hightailed to Worcester and booked into a B&B as I could not find anyplace to camp. Had a great dinner and a moerse lekker Christmas Eve kuier with some of the locals in a pub in town.

Day two to follow shortly....

:thumleft: :thumleft:

Sounds great. Bring the new ride to the next Maraisburg outride.
ai man as ek geweet het sou ek wou saam ry, wat is dan nou beter as 2 800gs bikes op 'n trip.... :thumleft:
I wish you many happy miles of smiles KnopKop. Shot for the lekker pics too.
I was up at 5am on Christmas day, and today was the day I have been looking forward to. I wanted to do some roads I have only ever read about, as I have never been in this part of the world. I took the road from Worcester towards Robertson, again in the drizzle and on wet roads. The scenery past Robertson, Bonnievale and Swellendam was just beautiful. It was early Christmas morning, overcast with the sun breaking the clouds every now and then. Everything was so green and smelling so fresh. It was really something special, and so pretty.

After a quick fill up in Swellendam, I headed for the Tradouw Pass towards Barrydale. The road was dry and the surface was great. What a great this pass was to ride. Really a highlight for me, I will be back to ride it again and again and again......




After Barrydale I headed for Ronnie’s Sex Shop on the R62 in the Karoo. I was not sure if they would be open, as it was Christmas Day and just after 8am. I pulled into the parking lot and I could hear the music pumping. Inside there were some people already having a big kuier with the beer flowing and the kak praat in full swing. It was 08:30am on Christmas Day. I could have stayed there all day. I had a coke, a good chat, and headed off again, otherwise I would still have been there......


I then headed east on the famous R62, past Ladismith and down the Huisriver Pass. I also loved this pass. The rock formations and cliffs are also very impressive in these mountains. We do not have this kind of stuff in Gauteng.


After the Huisrivier Pass, I passed Calitzdorp and stopped for lunch in Oudshoorn. Next on my list for today was the Swartberg Pass. I have read so much about this legendary pass, saw so many pics, and read ride report after ride report on this route. But no matter how many reports you read, or how many pics you see, this pass will blow you away. It is just that great. The road surface is nothing to write home about, you can do it in any car, but the views are just spectacular. Baviaans eat your heart out, you’ve got nothing on Swartberg Pass, especially the Prins Albert side of the pass. I was awestruck when I did this pass. The only other time I felt like this on a bike was when me and Marnus rode over the crest in Lesotho and saw Lake Letsie in the Lesotho Mountains.....

I did not take many pics of this pass, but I have it imprinted in my mind forever.








Man, I love this bike more every second......

After the Swartberg Pass, I headed for Klaarstroom, then I took on Meiringskloof. It was dry and the road was clear.............................what fun THAT was........................ I

I stopped in De Rust, and headed back through pics............I was having waaaaaaaay to much fun here...

I reached Klaarstroom again and wondered where to go next, took out my map book, and decided on Beaufort West. Took the road north, and ended up camping in the Karoo National Park just outside Beaufort West. Made some new friends in the camp site, had a good braai and a nice chat with new friends.

Some locals in the camp site


I could not have asked for a better Christmas Day......


I woke up after a good night’s sleep in my tent, and I wanted to be on the road before 06:00 again, but I had to pay at reception and they only opened at 07:00. So I was on the road, filled up and ready to leave Beaufort West at about 08:00. But where to shall I go? While having a coffee at the garage in Beaufort West, I looked at my map book and decided to head into the Karoo, towards Victoria West, so I did. It is no nice to travel alone like this, I can make up and change my mind just as I want to. No need to worry how my choices would affect someone else.

The first time I ever visited the Northern Cape on a bike


After Victoria West I went to Britstown, then De Aar, Phillipstown, Petrusville and on towards Vanderkloof Dam. I was two months late for the Wilddog bash...........



I was close to Orania and thought I would go and have a look see what is happening in this little place............................nothing happens there........... the people are friendly, kommin, but friendly.
I stopped at the koeksister

I went to the only open place in the entire town, the resort type thing down by the river where it took them 1hr to make a “Hoender broodjie”..............eish, I guess they have no black kitchen staff..... it was quite an effort for the “tannie” to serve a customer at their restaurant.

Took some dirt to Luckhoff, then onto Koffiefontein, Petrusburg, Bloem, then back to Johannesburg.
I did 1,173km for this day, loved every second of it.

Thanks for reading  :thumleft:

:thumleft: LEKKER!a new bike is EXCITING stuff and what a great maiden voyage you had! Hectic Km's on the last day though - let's be honest, not the most comfortable seat on the legendary 800... but well done! enjoy every km on that awesome bike!
There's something special about a solo trip. I need to do one again I think. Great report and lekker bike. Would be interested to hear your comments on the comparison between it and the x ch.
LanceSA said:
There's something special about a solo trip. I need to do one again I think. Great report and lekker bike. Would be interested to hear your comments on the comparison between it and the x ch.

Lance, you are so right, a solo ride is just so special in its own unique way.

Right, lets compare the X-Challenge to the 800GS:

Firstly, they are nothing alike, they are completely different and made for completely different applications, each with its pro's and cons.

What I like about the X-Challenge, and not about the 800.
* Weight - the X is like a feather compared to the 800, weight is not your friend.

* Off road ability - the X outclasses the 800 by a long shot in off road capability. I am not talking about dirt highways, but technical bits. I have not tested the 800 in sand yet, but I am sure it will be no where near the BMX in sand. I have done serious mud on a 800 before, and it was fine, but I would still take the BMX over the 800 in technical bits.

* The snappy throttle - Man I struggle to ride the 800 smooth while standing. I know it is a technique I must work on, and I need to practice it a lot more.

* Confidence - I do not have the confidence with the 800 that I have on the BMX. It will come I know, but I need to build it up as I get to know the bike better with time. I ride it like a newbie....... :biggrin: The BMX gives me so much confidence and I can stick it into a corner and I know exactly what the bike will do and where my limits are, I struggle with this on the 800. This is not a bike thing, but a doubt in my own ability and confidence.

What I like about the 800 and not about the BMX:
* Tar capability - Man the 800 is a dream at speed on the open tar roads. Cruising at 160 all day long. This is not possible on the BMX.

* Comfortable seat - enough said  :biggrin:

* Power - the twin engine and 800cc's makes a big difference in the power department. It is nice to sit at 140, open up and there is still plenty of power to overtake stuff on the highway.

Why did I buy the 800?
* I want to see more of our beautifull country, and I want to do it by bike. I want to cover bigger distances in less time, and for that I need a bigger bike than the BMX. I will SERIOUSLY miss the X-Challenge when I do technical stuff. I am sad about that part.

Why did I not buy a 990?
* I have always wanted a 990 and still do want one, but what prevented me from buying one is the questionable reliability of the KTM's. They are great bikes with awesome ability, and they fit my needs like a glove, but I am not technically minded at all, so I would rather have something more reliable. The dealer network and after sales service counts for a lot. I have a very good relationship with my dealer, built up over time, and they will be there if I need them. The same cannot be said for KTM. But I still admit that the KTM990R is the bike I really want to have.

What do I prefer, 800 or BMX?
* Well both. If I could afford to keep both I would. My BMX will be up for sale soon and it will be a very very sad day when I sell that bike. It is the best bike I have ever owned and I love it to bits. I am still trying to make plans to keep it, but i will most probably have to sell...................................sad really....................  :'(

AWESOME!! is all I can say, it is so nice to be "free spirited". Solo rides really are the bomb!! :ricky:

Enjoy the new bike and I also enjoyed your perspective and insights on the 800 vs X vs 990KTM  :thumleft:
Lekker Knopkop

I also enjoyed the solo riding when I fetched mine from Cappie in PE. I opted to visit all the "long time no see" family on the way, so just slabbed it most of the way, but still enjoyed it nonetheless.

Die akra klink mooi, nè?
Beautiful bike Knop - hope you enjoy it.

It gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling when someone recognizes the abilities of a X-Challenge - probably the most underrated bike around. If you can keep yours, do so - you will miss it!

The BMX will let you see more of SA in my opinion - you HAVE to stop every 100k's to "appreciate the surroundings" of course.

May you have thousands of enjoyable, safe k's on the new one.