Bringing my new baby back home

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LanceSA said:
Great comparison between the X ch and the Gs 800.
I also read with interest your comments about the 990. I value your input and don't want to disagree with perceptions but having owned a couple of Ktm I have not had reliablity issues other than some of the obvious and dealers have been great and we don't have a Bmw dealer in EL, can you believe?
I am seriously debating getting an X ch for light weight touring. But only if I can keep Katie...

Lance, I hear you with regards to the 990, and you are most probably right. But then I read threads like Adventurer's thread where he was stuck in George and he maintains his bikes better than anyone. I just don't want to take that risk at the moment. But I have no doubt that there is a big KTM in my future  :biggrin:

We must talk about the X-Challenge......  ;) ;)

heerlike ride report en avontuur...en het ek al OOIT soveel prentjies van a bike gesien in een ride report...hahah, jys soos a trotse pa!! geluk!
Congrats Knopkop, I was hoping no one would buy that bike so that I could buy it in April/May. Many trouble free km's
Hey Knopkop wat 'n awesome bike het jy nou daar!!

Collar kla alreeds in my oor oor sy nou ook 'n 800 wil he, ek knik maar net die kop  ;)

Ek hoop jy gaan myle se plesier he!!!!
Baie geluk tjomma, die 800 lyk awesome!  :thumleft:

En jou RR maak my sommer lus om 'n bike in die Kaap te gaan koop... ;D
Last time I asked the comfort seat was R4000.00.............................eina.
whitefish said:
Jyt n pragtige bike gekoop tjomma!! Nou my soeke na n ander bike..... Ek kan net nie sonder een in my garage nie. Ek is bly jy geniet die bike en glo jy gaan hom nog baie geniet, jy het bitter mooi fotos geneem en dit lyk net alles so lekker! Voorspoed met 2011 en ry die kark uit daai 800 uit en uit die ander manne uit, jy weet mos joune is spesiaal :thumleft:

Thanks Willem,

Die bike is awesome  :biggrin:

Dit reen vreeslik hier in Gauteng, en ek gaan Sondag LEKKER modder vreet as die reen so aan hou!!!
Congrats on your new bike - it is an awesome bike with super power :thumleft:. 

Hope you have many kms of cool adventures.

Agree - the weight bit is a bit of a challenge  :p