Canal ride solo

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Pack Dog
Nov 11, 2009
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This is my first report, and if things don't work out as they should it's either because LuckyStriker's instructions are up to no good, or alternatively because I should not have more than 4 glasses of Woolies boxwine in one sitting. However, let's be postive and hope it all works out.

There are a few good things about your better half being away for a week. You don't have to brush your teeth twice a day, or make the bed, or remove the dirty dishes from the TV room, or wear fresh underpants. The goodest of them all is however that you can ride all day.

I've been eyeing the famous canal route near Brits for some time, apparantly much liked by Malgat whom I never had the privelage to meet in person. I was also keen to do it now before the mud-monster rears it's ugly head again. So, after some searching of previous posts I got hold of a route (thanks GundaGunda), but because I'm an armgat who cannot afford one of those fancy GPS's, I had to import it to Garmap first and from there to Google Earth, then print it out in full colour on A3 (14 pages in total) to eventually serve as my navigation tool.....and I did not get lost once.

Left home in Alberton at 06:00, had a quick brekkie at the Wimpy near Ta'Malie's place and then proceeded to the starting point near Mt. Amanzi at around 08:00. The little bridge in the background is the tar road

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My first impression was that the route will live up to expection, and the early morning light was ideal for this piccie:

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The water at this point was fairly stagnant and somewhat smelly, probably because the Hartebeespoort dam it's so contaminated. Someone mentioned to me that the dam is pretty much sterile, and one of the worst examples of water contamination.

As in many other households, Sunday is wash-day. Water is extracted from the canal by throwing a bucket attached to a rope into the water and then pulling it up. At this point, the sides of the canal are quite steep and the water level low, and anyone falling in will probably drown on the spot or just drift down-stream until someone can throw in some kind of rescue rope.

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Komaaaaan, gooi more pictures!!!

I have done those canal roads so many times, but I will never get tired of them or tired of reading ride reports on them!!

Bloody nice pics there, keep em commin!!

:drif: :drif:
I don't know how anybody would ever get out of this thing if he had to fall in. In fact, it crossed my mind that a motorist (or biker) may easily lose it on some of the gravel sections and simply drive into this thing. The road is excellent though, with lots of twisties and surprises around every corner.

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Hernic Ferrochrome smelter in the background.

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I had to use Photoshop liberally to get rid of all the litter in the foreground. I know this is not a prime tourist spot, but still ......

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Vaalseun said:
I don't know how anybody would ever get out of this thing if he had to fall in.

I know of a certain "Kanaal - baber" that got in and out without too much hassle.......  :mwink: :mwink:

Vaalseun, ek sien jy's in Alberton, vgl keer laat weet my dan ry ek saam. Ek is in Elsburg nie ver van jou af nie en het seker in 2005 laas die kanale gery.
I was tempted to help myself to some naartjies (just beyond the pine trees), but then I wasn't sure if my ATGATT was shotgun proof.

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This is where your kitchen top came from.

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At some point the canal got narrower and started running faster. This is one of the "rapids".

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I'm no fundi on birds, but I think these are bee-eater (byevanger) nests.

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All went well up to this point. Gate closed Fri-Sun, with a hefty chain which is lying on the ground, not visible in the photo! I thought about Metaljockey and Hennie at this point, wondering if their Zambian raft would work in a canal. Obviously Farmer Brown wants to enjoy his Brandy & Coke in peace & quit. Looking at the U-turn tracks, it was obvious that several bikers had to turn around here. The only alternative I had was to work my way back to the tar road, and then take the next dirt road towards the canal again.

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I wonder if the Dominee is perhaps also the local shebeen owner, why else would he tolerate this sign right in front of the church.

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Beestekraal was packed to capacity, so i went about 30-40km's further on the Gaan Bos for a cold one. From there I rode in the direction of Rustenburg, first crossing the mighty Crocodile river.

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The sign everyone is looking out for.

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It struck me how valuable water is. Just on the other side of the road was dry, dusty bushveld.

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After a quick lunch at Hartebeespoort dam, I made my way back to Skeerpoort and from there over some obscure little mountain pass to the Hartebeeshoek road. I'm not too familiar with the area, so don't really know the name of the pass, if you can call it that.

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I'm sure many will be familiar with this.

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Turned into the Sterkfontein caves for a cold drink. Since I last visited the place, a nice new visitor's centre was built. Looks like it may be worth a proper visit again.

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Then it was time to go home. Shortly after I pulled off, I realised I did not put in my earplugs. I pulled off to do the necessary, when a male ostrich came running towards me, obviously him being on the other side of a fence. I reckon he's a BMW fan, because he started doing his mating-thing with quite a lot of passion.....or maybe it was me.

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Thanks. I want to do the route on the 24 Sep. I swimmed in the canals near Sandrift in 1982. Was able to get out but I think I would be to heavy to get myself out there now ;D
Nice report. We did the canals about 2 weeks ago.I thought I was lost when I got to the gate but seems my gps is not that stupid. Maybe our u-turn marks you saw. I love the canals! Its long enough to call a descent ride out. I especially enjoy the part where you cross over the dam and go past the game reserve. Lekker dense north west bush veld!