Canal Ride - Stephan, Zonketnet, Groenie, Ganjora

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Miena Moo said:
Frog said:
This RR makes for very interesting reading! Glad everyone came out alive

Only,poor Stephan ended up in ICU.
Hi Miena,
Please send Stephan best wishes and speedy recovery from Would I? & myself!! we were just planning a ride with him this last Friday, shame.  Hope he gets well soon!
Sheez!  Stephan, hope you are up and riding soon again buddy!

Ganga, you be the man!

Groenie, sorry bud, assholes always take out their frustrations on the quietest person, bullys are like that!  Stuff them and don't change who you are!

Just glad you guys were there for each other!
Whew, this whole thing has the potential to turn very ugly.

I would hate to see one of our best loved routes become off-limits to the dogs, and maybe we need to check what the status of that road is.

I have been involved in one of these nasty fights before - down in KZN near the Marianhill toll gate there is a lovely back road - and there we lost the scrap even though we had a lawyer in the group.

Our lawyer explained that there are different types of access to roads.

1. Limited servitude. An example he gave is of a road leading to a survey beacon. If you are a surveyor, and you need to get to the beacon, you can use the road without permission. I suspect most railway roads are limited servitude. You can use them to maintain the railway line.

2. Public servitude. I think Breedt's nek is one of these. You go over private land and private nature reserve commonage to get from Marikana to  Mooinooi. Theoretically you are not permitted to stop or deviate from the road.

3. Public roads. The road is public and maintained by Killroy's tax money.

I suspect that the land through which the canal runs was expropriated and belongs to the state - you can see the farm boundaries in Mapsource topo & rec -  but I also suspect there is neither a limited or public servitude. I would be surprised if the road was public. There may also be bits of the road of differenmt types.

We may be riding on thin ice - I hope not. The question is of course "what can they do?"

But do we really want a fight ?
GG and Malgat

The bottom line is that what the farmer/ drunk cop did was unacceptable. Fullstop. If they, the tappits, do not have the common sense needed to deal with small issues like this, I personally see a world of pain for them.

I had my share of confrontations with "king of the k@khoop" type of persons and they all lack one thing. Common sense.

I have rode part of the canal roads and nowhere did I see any sign or whatever that control entry to the roads. Servitude roads normally have signs and gates that controls entry.

Just my 2c
Re Stephan in ICU-
Any visits planned tonight or tomorrow night from Jhb side? I am keen to go.
We work together but have never managed a ride together though.
any feedback around stephan will be appreciated?????

so .... we sit with a situation here,,,dont we????

we need to look deep within ourselves and ask aren't we all just a little bit guilty,,,

my main concern is could stephan's prang be avoided,,,,i would love to hear his version of the days happening,,,
Eiesh!! What a day you guys had.
Holly cr@p not good to hear about this, give that cop hell. :deal:
Ama ride ride said:
I have rode part of the canal roads and nowhere did I see any sign or whatever that control entry to the roads.
Servitude roads normally have signs and gates that controls entry.


Is it not a requirement by law to have a sign or gate to prevent people from accidentally entering?
I know you guys are worried about losing a beloved road, but fuck me , attempted murder is over kill when it is compared to tresspassing.
If you do get problems, apply for permit from the irrigation boad, Im sure they would oblige you.
This asshole has given all us farmers a bad rep, as a rule we dont shoot trespassers on bikes, only the ones on foot acompanied by hunting dogs!
I hpe you come right.
nemodakar said:
...This asshole has given all us farmers a bad rep..

Nope, I do not think he is a farmer, just a smallholding owner.

nemodakar said:
we need to look deep within ourselves and ask aren't we all just a little bit guilty
OK Malgat, "Hindsight is the inclination to see events that have occurred as more predictable than they in fact were before they took place. Hindsight has been demonstrated experimentally in a variety of settings, including politics, games and Duel Purpose Riding."
I think we did (at least I tried) all we could to diffuse the situation. When the insults started, we moved our bikes away. They still followed us and came looking for kark and started pushing us around. They were out to cause sh1t, which they are going to get now.
Well it sounds like fun kanaal baber hunting with a 9 mil  :laughing4: pls post the exact gps coor or map of where this a-hole lives  :xxbah:
Damn  :mad: I shouldnt have turned out so early on the return trip, now i would probably never know what that section looks like  :drif: , i was even pricing bullet proof vests yesterday  ;D .

I can see Malgat's point and do agree, but then "on the other hand Darren" , if this issue is just left to go away, who says this idiot and his band of brothers dont have another braai, with the preffered drink of Brandy and Coke, and some innocent WD's go past there again, this guy's moermeter goes into the red again, and this time he doesnt miss, what then  :-\ .

Maybe, just maybe if someone has the GPS coordinates then this can be under the "Places to Avoid" thread.

My R23.65 cents (Inflation is one helluva thing these days)

Safe  :ricky:
we had a problem with a servitude running over our farm quite a while ago and if I remember correctly this is how it is regarding roads and gates: ( I stand to be corrected on all though)

If it is a private road and you do not want any unwanted visitors, a gate should be erected with a sign stating that it is a private road and then using that road will be seen as trespassing. If you have none of the above, you may stop the person and tell him that it is private property and tell him to leave.

If it is a servitude, the owner of the property that the road crosses, is allowed to put up as many gates he wishes. this could mean he could put up a gate every 10meters if he wishes. (this is to allow him to make use of the property and still create camps for his livestock) as it is still technically part of his property. The servitude serves merely as a right for other people to cross his property. If someone else wants to use this road, they are fully welcome to, but they are obliged to close any gate that they find. also they are not allowed to stop or deviate from the road. (this is common in the karoo, this is also usually where a farmer will put up a livestock crossing type gate but he is not obliged to)

If it is a public road, anyone is allowed to use it either on foot, or on a roadworthy vehicle.

I agree with malgat that we have to respect the residents of the places we ride. If you have a noisy quad in front of your house on a Sunday, im sure that will peev you as well.


Nowhere, not even for trespassing does the law make a exception for shooting at someone! not even if you are criss crossing the farmers "mielie land" ( and trust me, regardless of the law, this will get you shot at).

my point is this.

I agree with malgat that we should not over react in the sense of organising a mass ride to the area, it can only provoke more action from the residents of the area. ie if it is servitudes they can bring up any number of gates or even get authority to ban bikes from these roads if its not (im again under correction but i have heard rumours of cases where this has happened) both ending in prime riding area being taken away from WDs to use.

I also strongly agree with ganjora and groenie in taking the matter of the shooting further. It is unacceptable for anyone to just shoot at someone without reason, and like someone else mentioned, next time the old ballie has some brannas in him and has a bad day, it could be anyone of us passing by that gets the lead flying. Please keep us posted on the ongoings of this case, im very interested in what happens.

re Stefan.  Sorry to hear about this  :-[ , hope you heal well soon, and get back on the road!  :thumleft:  :ricky:  


have just finished with the Star's reporters,  who also cannot believe the events of Sunday. 
They have asked me for a case number before they publish the story. 
The photographer insists that he can transform me into a good looking bloke for the article - let's see. 

I've been to Parkview SAPS who have said I'll have a case number a little later today.  Once I have my case number,  I'm off to visit the ICD.

Unfortunately the stress of this whole affair is getting to me.  Hardly slept last night thinking that pretty soon the guy that tried to shoot me will have access to my address,  tel no,  work address,  everything.  Begining to question myself about the wisdom of laying formal charges etc....  I know it has to be done,  but I'm scared...

it happened at: S25 31.628 E27 48.852
I think it would be extremely unwise to go there 'en mass'/on a large group ride.  These people are obviously dangerous without any concern for the law.

My ultimate aim/hope here is to have this guy thrown out the police service and declared unfit to own a firearm.

Dave out...
Ama ride ride said:
GG and Malgat

The bottom line is that what the farmer/ drunk cop did was unacceptable. Fullstop. If they, the tappits, do not have the common sense needed to deal with small issues like this, I personally see a world of pain for them.

Just my 2c

Absolutely - no question. I am actually just thinking more for the future in the hope we don't have our wings -err- wheels clipped. I hope to ride the canals quite a few more times. I am not saying we have to take kark from these dickheads.

But we must be sensitive to any annoyance we cause - It's never lekka to ride where the people don't like you being there.
thanx g and g and z,,,

i agree that the matter should not be swept under tyhe carpet,,,

i hate guys with guns and thats just the ones who are wearing them at supermarkets,,,

id also go balistic is someone took a shot at me,,,in fact i'd probably freak out even more,,

i hope that the system looks after you and i agree that it should be made public,,,

id just hate it if the doors gets away,,,,id also hate it if this becomes a public matter,,,

we dont need a witch hunt,,,,give justice a chance,,,,

it should be dealt with the authorities and lets see how it ends up

gg and z,,,i support you,,,,nobody pulls a gun on a fellow human being,,,nobody...

Ganjora said:
have just finished with the Star's reporters,  who also cannot believe the events of Sunday.   
They have asked me for a case number before they publish the story.   
The photographer insists that he can transform me into a good looking bloke for the article - let's see.   

I've been to Parkview SAPS who have said I'll have a case number a little later today.   Once I have my case number,  I'm off to visit the ICD.

Unfortunately the stress of this whole affair is getting to me.   Hardly slept last night thinking that pretty soon the guy that tried to shoot me will have access to my address,  tel no,  work address,  everything.   Begining to question myself about the wisdom of laying formal charges etc....   I know it has to be done,  but I'm scared...

it happened at: S25 31.628 E27 48.852
I think it would be extremely unwise to go there 'en mass'/on a large group ride.   These people are obviously dangerous without any concern for the law.

My ultimate aim/hope here is to have this guy thrown out the police service and declared unfit to own a firearm.

Dave out...
Dave I can understand how this whole process can stress you out. From my own experience and of others I know, the person against who the charge is laid usually does not want to get into any more kak and therfore leaves you alone.
Stick in there!