Canal Roads / Beestekraal Stasie / The Rock

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Some more of the Rock

Halfway down:

View from close to the top

The top of "Koos se Klim" (the 4x4's down there are on their way to the start of the climb)

Marnus on his way down




and me

This is such a lekker ride - go and do it!!!

:mwink: :mwink:

I will post the track later tonight.
Great trip and great pics guys!!

'Koos se Klim' looks rather interesting. Do people actually ride up there on bikes?
Kawasefi said:
Great trip and great pics guys!!

'Koos se Klim' looks rather interesting. Do people actually ride up there on bikes?

Shark_za on a KLR

OX on a 640

I have seen a pic somewhere of Runner on XR650 as well.

Crazy......  :laughing4: :laughing4:
now that i have a 950 , gonna have to try that again !! BV still owes me a case of beer , will have to invite him this time as he still doesnt believe we did it and wants to see it with his own eyes.
KnopKop: I would like to have a look at that "Track", please man
Bumblebee said:
KnopKop: I would like to have a look at that "Track", please man

Groot askies !!!

I tried to download the track from my GPS unit to my Laptop, but for some reason my Laptop does not recognise my GPS any more. It was fine a week ago ???

Will post the track as soon as I figure it out....

Knopkop... you can thank me later  :p

Here's the track.


  • Canalroads-Beestekraal-Rock.gdb
    85.6 KB · Views: 48
Where exactly is this ROCK?? 

Geographical coordinates will do (WGS84). 

I thought I knew that area pretty well. 
Go have a look around...

S25 21.464 E27 44.662

You can't miss it  ;)
Thank you Manus. 

I have plotted it.  About 15km east of Beestekraal.  I will find ir easily. 

JIMBO said:
Thank you Manus. 

I have plotted it.  About 15km east of Beestekraal.  I will find ir easily. 


Kewl!  Just check - you have to pass through a gate on your way there - usually where the local kids extort toll fees.  Most of them just ask for R2 or something.  When you drive straight to it, you'll get that "impossible" climb.  Going from there about 1/4 way around anti-clock wise, you'll find the place where we went up.  Have fun!