Cave Girl and LeonDude ride the Lowveld - track added

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He Leon and CG.

I s'pose that by posting this lekka RR of one of my best bits of road you will make me jealous and nostalgic ? ???
Too bluddy right mate.

Now I have to go back and do it on the Tenere  :biggrin:

Thrilled you gave the fence road a go - did you see ele footprints in the road ?  
GundaGunda said:
He Leon and CG.

I s'pose that by posting this lekka RR of one of my best bits of road you will make me jealous and nostalgic ? ???
Too bluddy right mate.

Now I have to go back and do it on the Tenere  :biggrin:

Thrilled you gave the fence road a go - did you see ele footprints in the road ?  
Hi GG. We did see elllies in the river, but no footprints or other evidence on the road. But the condition of the fence at the river crossings. Eish, you keep your eyes open!  :biggrin:
Cave Girl and LeonDude rides the Lowveld – Part II

Now where was I?
Oh ja, snuggly asleep in the backpackers in Sabie. After packing our kit the next morning we arranged with the person on duty to leave our stuff in the room while we went up to God’s window. To make up time we had breakfast at Wimpy (bad dog LeonDude, bad dog!), then headed off to God’s Window. R5 per bike gets you in.
Which we promptly renamed Sappi View.
It’s a nice view, in a nice area, but spoiled a bit by the natural forest having been replaced by pine trees.






From there we skipped the Mac Mac falls as we’ve both been there before, but did stop at the Mac Mac pools because I havent seen them before. R10 per person gets you in.



Ok, we’ve done the tourist thing, so it was back to Sabie to pick up our kit from the backpackers, grab two beers (we had a lot of riding and driving to do, can’t drink too much) from the bottle store and head back to Sudwala where the car and trailer was waiting, stopping only somehwere along the way to have the last cold beer of the trip.



At Sudwala we loaded the kit into the car and the bikes onto the trailer, and by half past two we were ready to head home. No wait, I was ready to head home. Cave Girl was ready to haul me up to the caves and give me an introduction to caving.
She had been far too good a riding buddy for me to say no now. So I put my clausterphobia in my back pocket and up we went for a tour of the cave. It really is a magnificant cave, and with CG around to explain some of the things around the cave it was more interresting than it would have been with only the quide.





Then it really was time to hit the road home, with only two hours of conversation and laughing and joking until we got back to the rush of Gauteng, and sadly the weekend had come to an end.


To Chopperpilot who provided a lot of info for this ride, thanks! Sorry we never had coffee that side, but tomorrow is another day.
Gunda, thanks for that track, it’s one of the best I’ve done in my life! Now, although I’ve never done a hiking trip in my life, I know that I would like to do that route, but on foot, so that I can have more time to appreciate the area.

And of course, a big thanks to these two.

Thanks also to you all for reading our story, I hope I see you on the road out there.
Take care

Cave Girl and LeonDude does the Lowveld – some thoughts.

Firstly, about the tracks and the GPS’s.
To say that I was frustrated during the weekend with the GPS’s and the tracks would be an understatement. Fortunately we had two Garmins with us, and each time one let us down, the other would get us through.

The GPSmap 60CSx
I posted a question about the GPS routing and how it worked. Gunda said he converted the routes to tracks, and this is what I did. However, this caused the GPS to stop scrolling the screen, which meant that I had to zoom in and out and manually scroll the screen myself. Doing this while riding is very irritating, to say nothing about dangerous. And twice, pieces of the route were just missing. Not nice. Next time I think I will use routes, and see how things work out.
It did a good job of finding us accomodation though, and probably saved us a few hours on this trip.
I was disappointed in how long a track log the thing can save. I would think a person would like to save a track log of at least a week?

The Kenda K270
This tyre was, once again, fantastic on the gravel. The only time I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the tyres were when doing tight tar twisties in the Sabie area, but I simply reduced speed and all was ok.

Multi Fuel stove
Ah, here’s something interresting. I enjoyed the multi fuel stove that CG brought along, but found there is a shortcoming. The tube that pics up the fuel ends halfway down the bottle, and thus once you have used half the fuel the thing stops working. You cannot turn the bottle upside down either, because then the fuel just goes and lies on the other side – and the end of the pipe is still out of the fuel. On it’s side perhaps? No, the pipe is still in the middle of the friggin thing. Very frustrating having half a bottle of fuel that cannot get to the entrance of the pipe. Michnus, are you listening?
I think this happens if you buy a larger fuel bottle, if it had been the small fuel bottle the entrance to the pipe would have been at the bottle. So if you want a larger fuel bottle, get one, but take it along with the original small bottle. If you buy the stove without a fuel bottle, buy a small fuel bottle, and a bigger one if you want to take more fuel.

This trip was the final straw – I’m getting a hydration pack. Forgetting to buy water was simply stupid, and would have turned even a small problem like a puncture on the route past Kruger park into a nightmare.

Having a riding partner
I did a LOT of things on this trip that I would not have done if I had gone solo. Also, when looking through our photo collection I realize that I have photos of myself doing things, photos that I would not normally have. Thanks CG, I appreciate the pics!
Also, there was that little hill I couldn’t get up…

LeonDude said:
. . . .

The GPSmap 60CSx
I posted a question about the GPS routing and how it worked. Gunda said he converted the routes to tracks, and this is what I did. However, this caused the GPS to stop scrolling the screen, which meant that I had to zoom in and out and manually scroll the screen myself. Doing this while riding is very irritating, to say nothing about dangerous. And twice, pieces of the route were just missing

.. . . . . .

I have never had this issue with my el-cheapo eTrex so I can't relate, but I suspect a setting on  the GPS unit itself.
Tracks are the way to go if you want to ride a track that someone else rode and you want to follow.
Routes are only to slab it home or to the pub on routable-roads when you are lost  ;D
Gunda, as someone who does not really believe in GPS's I shouldn't even be complaining about them in any way.  :p
But the bits where they helped, they were worth their weight in gold beer.  :biggrin:
LD thanks for doing the ride report - I had a fantastic ride - always nice to go a little slower and enjoy the scenery.
You are very kind Roxenz  :3some:

My 2c worth:
Did a short trip this weekend to Komatipoort / Marloth park (SP???) Trailered the bikes to Sudwala and stayed over at Hammock city - left the car there and headed off to Komatipoort on tar LD who I was riding with wanted to visit a childhood haunt. Fortunatly he has managed to figure out my GPS so we found the spot without to much difficulty. Stoped by the river and had Gundachinos. Then headed to Marloth park via the Spar and Bottle store at Komatipoort.
Stayed at the municipal park in Marloth - very impressed - clean ablutions a shade port to put the bikes under - we slept out under the stars - true biker style ;-) the park is right on the Kruger fence so we were able to watch the crocks and hippos in the crocodile river not more than 100m away with just a fence between us - were lucky to have a pride of lions making lots of noise during the night that made for interesting talk round the shower room in the morning. And at R70 per person not a bad price.

Sunday we were planing on doing the Kruger fence ride and then heading off to Echo cave so I could get contact numbers - by the time we had done the game walk, packed, done a recce ride around Marloth park we were running decidedly late. I had read the report from the Graskop recce ride and had some feed back from Ken - either we ended up on a different road or I just no longer understand what "technical" is - I figure it has to do with the speed you riding and how comfortable you are on the bike - No Ken we were not going fast enough to get much "air time" and only found 2 and a bit water crossings - I think the weekend before where I, on the 1200 odd km trip, was pushed way out my comfort zone most the time have just got so comfortable on the KLR that although I was finding it a little diffiuclt in places definatly did not find it a technical ride - well not like verloodevale (SP??) the week before ... I just did not find the sand or slipery water crossings I was told about - and I had made the decision to not put on the new Kenda tyres as I knew the trip was going to be mostly on tar so had my rather slick (9000km on the tyres KLR came with) tyres on. We totally misjudged the road and spent lots of time photographing game along the way, also HUGE mistake neither of us had remembered to take water with us so although we had a flask of hot water for Gundachino's there and a 500ml of coke we ended up very dehydrated. Got out onto the tar around 3.30 and decided to head for Sabi for the night. Stopped off at a local tavern on the way but the locals were so invasive we did not even stay long enough to finish a beer - that local swazi does things to them .......
Sabi is self explanatory - if you don't ride your R1 in shorts and T shirts you just don't fit in, but we did try to redeem ourselves by dinking our fair share of zamelek.

Monday was a sightseeing trip to gods window etc and a meander back to Sudwala through the Sudwala pass - then a guided trip through the cave had us packed and back on the road home by 4.30.
Some people asked me for the track. I hope I get this right, I haven't done it before.


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LeonDude said:
Having a riding partner
I did a LOT of things on this trip that I would not have done if I had gone solo. Also, when looking through our photo collection I realize that I have photos of myself doing things, photos that I would not normally have. Thanks CG, I appreciate the pics!
Also, there was that little hill I couldn’t get up…

Glad to see you could get into Marloth park on bikes.  :thumleft:
Been there once by cage, and there is so many dirt roads inside the place.
Would love to go back on day