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Here are some of the pictures I took during the CABC weekend.

Friday's RED ROUTE.









The camp site, Biedouw Jeugkamp.





Rynet eating some Bully Beef right out of the tin for Saturday's breakfast. A real Rekkie!


Saturday's RED ROUTE.



Dustdevil decided to have a flat right in the middle of a tiny secluded vilagge and the locals helped us to fix it.










On our way out of the village I lost track of the road and ended up on my side...



During the final of the Skills Challenge the KLR decided to lie down all by herself. Probably wanted to take
out some of my competitors  ;D
Cost me a indicator, a mirror and part of my helmet's visor mechanism...
Believe it or not but Kawasaki wants R495 for a indicator! Insane...


Aaah, what an awesome weekend. To all the organizers, knapgedaan!  :thumleft:


You did not loose the road, there was no road. Man what a ride what a weekend.

Chatting to the locals before I left on Sunday, I was informed of an old ossewa road that we may be able to find for next year red route. I can't wait!!!
Love your fotos Michiel ! esp the ones of the little girls  ;D
Awesome photos Michiel!! :thumleft: :thumleft:

Love the fact that you take pics of your bike resting each time before getting it back up onto its wheels!! Everyone else always rushes to get it back onto it's wheels the moment it goes over... Think your chilled attitude did wonders for putting you on the Skills Challenge podium!! Good job!! Oh, and of course your skill too  :biggrin:
PinkGoat said:
Love the fact that you take pics of your bike resting each time before getting it back up onto its wheels!! Everyone else always rushes to get it back onto it's wheels the moment it goes over...

I believe in the 5 second rule. If its back on its wheels in that time its not a fall.
DanTheMan said:
I believe in the 5 second rule. If its back on its wheels in that time its not a fall.

And if you only see your bike a day after it has been dropped, then it never happened? ;)
Those girls were so sweet. Each time I took a picture they would gather round to see what it looks
like on the back of my camera. I asked them about school and since they are koshuis kinders I wanted
to know if they liked the food. They have 5 different aunties kooking for them but seldomly get pudding.

I stayed in a koshuis for the 12 years of my school time. They reminded me of myself all those years ago.

Falling over used to be a problem for me but once you realise that the bike can't fall further than it already
has it's easier to just leave her like that till you're ready to pick er up. Apart from petrol leakin out, what's
to happen if you delay the pick up by 2 min? When people ask me about the damage on my bike I want to
be able to show them the reasons.

More serious now, I find that a over hasty pick up of a bike might endanger you. I hurt my back in the past
and not so long ago Sack and I picked up his now deceased 1200GS on a steep 4x4 track without checking
if she was in gear and it almost turned nasty. Needless to say we had to repeat the procedure but only a
couple of metres further down the hill.
picking any bike up is not a nice thing for me that's why i try and avoid it at all cost. I have had my share of falls in the past and there fore i don't like repeating the exercise to much.

Those are the kids we are trying to gather some school things and computers for, we have had a good response from the weekend and i have secured some computers for them, i am planning a day ride to the school soon to deliver these toys and goodies to them.

i will keep you guys posted

thank michiel

Just tell me the dates and I'll put together a ride for you. I'm sure Rony will also gladly join in. This time I'll take the easy route and he can do the more challenging one.

thanks danny i think we must make it the day before the toy run itself, the 28th of november, what do you think?
That would work for me as I cannot make the toyrun on the Sunday. We have the Burger Cycle tour here on the estate.
are you going to start a tread for tis one, i will take the green and you can take the orange if thats ok.
Looks great, just put it on my to-do list, next to Alfie Cox event...  GS Challenge... what GS Challenge?!
Some more on a fantastic event; https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=40183.0


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