Kobus Myburgh
Grey Hound
Monkey#13 said:Does it not come with a crate? Can't we get a photo of the crate?
You’re welcome. :imaposer:

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Monkey#13 said:Does it not come with a crate? Can't we get a photo of the crate?
Vis Arend said:I follow with great interest. :sip:
Hats off to all involved, in circumstances like this you need a good and able team to keep everything together. Respect to all. :thumleft:
Ek sien Kobus en Hardy het lief geraak vir die suide van Nam. :biggrin: Nam is voorwaardelik 'n juweel op sy eie. Die noorde, suide, weste en ooste verskil van mekaar, maar elkeen het sy unieke mooi. Ek en vroulief sal nooit moeg raak vir Nam nie. :deal: Ek is bly julle het dit ook mooi gevind. :thumleft:
Hardy de Kock said:a Little bit later, the french project manager and his posse arrived too. He immediately walked over to me and asked me where the rest of the tents were, and instructed me to erect it immediately. He was rude, and did not wait for my explanation, and demanded that we have all the tents erected from now on.
I asked him if he was going to sleep in a tent, and he answered NO.
It was at this point that I got to learn a little bit about myself. I know exactly how I would have reacted under normal circumstances, and that would have meant the end of either him or me, but somehow, I held it together, turned around and walked away.
Captain Zef said:9 pages of you oakes taking pics of lorries where the hell is the bikes.
Hardy de Kock said:[
Jy is reg Louis.
Die suide het 'n asemrowende prag. Ek weet Kobus wil graag die plek vir sy gesin gaan wys.
Hardy de Kock said:There is one pet hate that I have (apart from ariving at camp in the dark), PK that autumn evening in the south of Namibia, but I am glad that he didn't.
Sithe said:Sounds to me like "Loic" is the French four letter word for "P**s"eepwall:
Sithe said:Sounds to me like "Loic" is the French four letter word for "P**s"eepwall:
Thanks for clarifying. It's far too easy to judge a person on the internet these days. :thumleft:Hardy de Kock said:Sithe said:Sounds to me like "Loic" is the French four letter word for "P**s"eepwall:
No, not really. In all fairness I have to admit that he was under a lot of pressure, and things got a lot better after that incident. He does a great job too, as I am sure the videos and pics later in this thread will prove.
Sithe - One of the people I worked with, and really liked resigned to start his own business just prior to this job. I realised only afterwards how much that influenced me.