Convert the dirt !!!

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Hoezit all you dirty dawgs, I would be hohoured to be a part of your forum.
My name is Songololo, I'm from Cape Town and as some quick witted members may have surmised Tok-Tokkie is my father.

Ignore the following if you don't care what bikes I've owned and my opinions on them.

I have been seriously interested in bikes since I bougt my first bike, a Yamaha DT125 LC when I was sixteen (legend bike before they removed the liquid cooloing).
In matric I decided to blow all the other "bikes" in the school bike shed away so I bought a Yahaha XJ900 shaft drive with a full Cowley racing 4-2-1 exhaust (fantastic bike and exhaust, made all the classroom windows rattle when I started her up).
Next was a Royal Enfield 350 Bullet in order to ride around India for six months (one of the best things I have done so far).
A Honda Bros 400 V-twin was next in order to work as a courier around London for two years (best way ever by far to truly lose your fear of congested traffic and learn how to filter through traffic effectively and safely). 
After the couriering job I got a Kawasaki GPZ500S for commuting around congested London. (that bike is soooo nimble and balanced)
I then returned to Cape Town where i had a company cage to drive for a year or so). 
As you can imagine the bike life started calling again so after accepting a job in Jozi i got a Loncin LX-200 Cyclone to commute to work and back (ja,ja take the piss all you want, but these bikes do everything they say on the box and are perfect for short distance commuting, with the spares and back up brilliant. Give the Chinesese a few years and your next bike, or part of it  might be from the far east). The Loncin LX200-2 Cyclone also looks good in the blue paint scheme. It goes dog slow though (11.5kw): 100km/h cruising is possible according to thre wind.

Okay you can sart reading again.

Having been a road based rider my whole riding career, I had never considered the world of adventure biking (or dual sports riding which I dont like the sound of as people outside the DS community get the wrong idea about about what we do).

My father (Tok-Tokkie) introduced me to the wonderful world that you guys explore and have a jol doing.  I now own a 2005 BMW650GS Dakar which I am modifiying on my own the Pooratech way as money is not one of my greater assets.  I also like doing all the servicing and add ons myself so I get to know my bike.

My aim is to explore all the little places that we see on a map but never go to.  I want to see Southern Africa especially the places tourists hardly ever go.  This adventure riding is exactly what I need in my life as I can focus my energy on something positive and rewarding.

Anyway, enough of my essay, Hello my name is Songololo and I would like to be a part of your community and go on rides with you and ask you silly and not so silly advice regarding my bike and all the kit that goes with it.

Thanks guys and gals,


P.S. I'm still working on my avatar and signature so I should have them done soon.