CRF450X breakdown and rebuild into something better - FINALLY COMPLETE

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Fuzzy Muzzy

Gentleman Dog
WD Vendor
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Bothasig , Cape Town
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
I bought a pretty badly beaten up CRF450X a few years ago.. sadly I bought the bike from a so called reputable second hand bike dealer not in my province and made the rookie mistake of buying the bike from photos but when it arrived my jaw hit the ground, It hardly looked like the bike in the pics. Chalked it up to school fees.

Be that as it may I never bonded with the bike. I tried riding it and I sent it off to a few mechanics to try get the suspension sorted but they could never get it done how I wanted and with the budget I had... so the bike has been standing for probably 2 years while I have been undecided on what to do with it. I could'nt really sell it and feel good about the sale so after all this time I decided to just bite the bullet and strip the bike and rebuild it into the bike I always wanted .. A CRF450X Rallye bike, totally inspired by Kobus Myburgh's 450X rallye build I've decided to give it a go.

This build will be done on a budget with the goal to scrounge parts from dusty garage lofts and refurbish them instead of just throwing money at it., what needs to be cleaned will be cleaned, what needs to be repaired will be repaired and what needs to be bought will 1st be cleaned, then attempted to be repaired and then bought, it is going to be a fully functional rallye bike just like in my dreams. :laughing4: well maybe not the bike of my dreams but the idea is to actually use it in a rallye so that I can tick that off my bucket list, thereafter the plan will be used to host roadbook events and try to encourage okes with bikes to get into the rallye scene.

The last bike rebuild I did took me 3 years , my Transalp 700, which I abused as a rallye bike will retire from offroad riding and will be replaced with this bike..

Now, I am not a bike builder and I am certainly not a mechanic , so I will be enlisting as many man hours of help along the way , learning as I go.

1st pics to follow.. the strip down
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