Pack Dog
Toe ons in die Ugab kom, toe begin die drama! Maar eers het @Parkinoff ons vermaak met ‘n paar wheelies.

Dit was vir my heerlik om daai XR deur Kaokoland te idle so veel ek kan. Hy trek dan homself vorentoe en dit klink so mooi!Pragtige video Jaco ............ maar jirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre tog, jy kreun daai arme 650 wragtig tot die absolute minimum - in TWEEDE rat!
Ek haat dit, en gooi laglag eerste rat in - sodat my handlebars & ek pelle bly EN elk hul eie ding doen, ek like nie as die twee saamkom nie![]()
Dis is regtigwaar 'n pragtige, under-stressed, brom geluid wat daai enjin maak.Dit was vir my heerlik om daai XR deur Kaokoland te idle so veel ek kan. Hy trek dan homself vorentoe en dit klink so mooi!
Here is some GoPro footage of our riding on Day 4 & 5. Epupa to Marble Camp, over Van Zyl's Pass and through the Marienfluss.
Toe ons in die Ugab kom, toe begin die drama! Maar eers het @Parkinoff ons vermaak met ‘n paar wheelies.
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Here is some GoPro footage of our riding on Day 4 & 5. Epupa to Marble Camp, over Van Zyl's Pass and through the Marienfluss.
Pretty sure mine and everyone else’s was out as well, you are just the one on camera.Jeez, amazing how often my landing gear comes out..![]()
That flippin toe
the guys who owns them will tell you that they are a bitch to get un-stuck
I enjoyed showing "my"group the sand road. It is definitely not for someone with a fear of sand.
I had a lot of fun that day watching how much the guys enjoyed the track.
I underestimated a river crossing and can still remember that sickening feeling when you know the Cruiser has sunk onto its chassis.
These vehicles are great but the guys who owns them will tell you that they are a bitch to get un-stuck.
I must mention the guys who under very dangerous situations did all they could to assist me in getting the bakkie out.
All of you were bullets and if not for you, I would probably still be there
Gerry Brynard
@Chantal Burger
Special mention to @ETS who after he helped, and left for camp, crashed into a fence that seriously cut up his arm, turned back to bring the other Cruiser back to where I was in the riverbed.
@ETS - Jy is 'n vriend duisend![]()
It seems like the other route to White Lady camp was just as amazing. Thanks for the photos, @NIMMO
Dankie @Rooies, lekker gelees en gekyk en weer gekyk na die videos en foto's.Until we meet again.
Fluit fluit, my storie is uit
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It's off to camp and the last night I will be sleeping under the stars.
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I fall asleep that night with my earphones plugged in listening to one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite artists:
Baie domastrant van my gewees en ek kan myself gelukkig ag dat ek niks oorgekom het nie. Sou iets gebeur het was dit sleg gewees het vir almal. Hierdie is nie my laaste Specialised Adventures trippie nie maar wel my laaste soortgelyke dom ding wat ek beplan om te doen.....Hierdie storie van die ryer wat oorlede is by die funduro bewys net weereens hoekom almal tereg bekommerd raak wanneer iemand alleen ry en niemand weet waar die persoon is nie. @Striggs en @Johannesf verstaan dit baie goed - mens moet dankbaar wees as daar sulke ouens saam met jou ry. Ons het amper vir @Parkinoff verloor 'n paar dae tevore. 'n Paar weke voor ons toer is 'n toeris in daardie omgewing oorlede weens dehidrasie nadat sy voertuig onklaar geraak het.
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It's off to camp and the last night I will be sleeping under the stars.
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I fall asleep that night with my earphones plugged in listening to one of my favourite songs by one of my favourite artists: