Detour home from Uitsig Animal Rescue Farm...

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Grey Hound
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
so, had to collect the xt from helderberg and decided to join up with the guys and girls on the uitsig ride...

sorry i was late... had to do the compulsory stop over at wrench  :biggrin: , but hey... 'agter os kom ook in die kraal'...

met up with them and i must say wow and good on everyone that contributed to this worthy cause!!!

dusty rusty, rovrat, cape'hot butt'klr, nismark and i weren't quite ready yet to go home, so off we went to atlantis.

i went ahead and replaced the xt with the djebel. what a kak idea i thought at the time! my ass was killing me 500m into riding the 200 hahahahaha

met up with everyone at the n7 weighbridge and away we goooooooooooo!!!!


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now i see the dunes looming and i am already psyching myself up for it, as i am not very confident with sand, so i tend to panic just a tad!

dusty rusty went through to the top swimmingly! she is so gutsy and does it with a smile and an infectious laugh you can hear for kilometres!!!

i, on the other hand, plow into the sand 5m in with a great big thud! have a mini-tantrum and nismark and capeklr very politely 'walk' my bike to the spot where rovrat has parked his bike. THANKS GUYS!

i chickened out once at the top, but took some random pics...


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we hear a vroom vroom and lo and behold, kamanya appears and comes bombing over the dunes!


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we leave... i sum up the courage to duck paddle my way out of the dunes.

YAY!!!! i made it without falling!

kamanya says he has a little track to show us!!! we happily follow!


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somewhere along the ride, the stones become extremely loose and i lose control and PLOP!!! i bought a piece of land amongst the bushes!

no pics sorry, but capeklr came to see if all was alright!

whilst waiting for the rest of the gang, rovrat spots a tortoise that's falling between the traintracks....

i try to get him out.... he is quite tightly squeezed in there, but YAY!!!! HAPPY ENDING!


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THANKS EVERYONE, especially capeklr for babysitting me!!!!!!

it was a super fun day, spent with awesome company....



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You LUCKY GUYS n GAL with Plastics... :thumleft:

Lots of fun... :biggrin:

FC just get up n go again!!! :thumleft:

Good save with the tortoise... :thumleft:  you were meant to be there  :)

Yea trust Kamanya to come bombing over there again... :mwink:

Conditions looked stunning... :biggrin:
GO GIRL said:
You LUCKY GUYS n GAL with Plastics... :thumleft:

Lots of fun... :biggrin:

FC just get up n go again!!! :thumleft:

Good save with the tortoise... :thumleft:  you were meant to be there  :)

Yea trust Kamanya to come bombing over there again... :mwink:

Conditions looked stunning... :biggrin:

sand was apparently (according to the experts) a bit loose....

it really was a super fun ride, once i started relaxing and not worrying about the small stuff.

also, i must say... kamanya did an excellent coaching job trying to get me through the sand! thanks hun!
Had a great ride and enjoyable time.
Thanks Kamanya for letting me try out your KTM, wow what a machine!
capeklr said:
Thanks Kamanya for letting me try out your KTM, wow what a machine!

Just doing my bit.

It's very very difficult not to dream of them once you've ridden one... Your KLR is going to hate you for a while.
firecoast said:
also, i must say... kamanya did an excellent coaching job trying to get me through the sand! thanks hun!


The only thing I said was, "Do you know what's the worst that can happen here?"

You, "No?"

Me, "You fall off"

Julle muskatiere dit was lekker.

Ek moet jullevertel, Firecoast het 'n baie goeie job daar op die treinspoorklippe gedoen. Sy het baie gemaklik gelyk en sowaar allie pad gesit.

Ek het nou besluit om eerder die Dakar drome te los.  500 m van daai sand is meer as genoeg vir eers. RAVRot het die tdub ook vir 'nspin gevat en hy het tot die descovety gekom dat sy beter ry as jy sit as wat jy staan in die sand.  Omdat my enkel vir omtend nou al 2 maande nie 100 is nie (ek kan nie draf nie) is ek nogals bang vir val so ek het maar met my bene uitgestrek in die lug gery en as ek voel daar kom moeilikheid het ek ma gepaddel.

Moet se, die ouens laat dit so lekker lyk.

Die treinspoortrack was vir my moeiliker as die puppyrun sin gewees. Dit is tussen Atlantis en Zone 7.

Anycase, ek het (nog nie) daai plastiek goed wat jou briek en clutch levers beskerm nie.  So ons ry op die klippe met takke wat so liggies aan jou hand en arm klap.Terwyl ons ry toe sien en voel ek, elke slag as 'n tak my hand klap dan beweeg my vingers so liggies aan die brieklever. (ons het by training geleer om met twee vingers te ry vir beter throttel control)
Toe se ek nog vir myself: jy moet check vir hierdie takke.

Lang storie kort, toe klap 'n groterige tak my met mening.  En met  toe trek ek sommer lekker hard  briek ook.  En  daar le ta' toe! 

My eina enkel begin toe sommer weer dadelik pyn en toe draai ek so halfpad om ip my maag om te kyk wat aanfan.  Die boot was so weird gedraai onder die bike dat ek regtig gedink het dis tickets  Hierdie enkel is gebreek.

Gelukkig was elegable batcherlor, Nismark agter my gewees en het hy doodseker gemaak als is okey.

Nismark: baie baie dankie.  Jy's 'n darling en stunning!

Het vandag gehoor dis die ligamente wat weer verrek het.  Het 'n baie nice enkel brace gekry wat nogals in my mx boots kan pas. 

Moet glo vir 6 maande dit rustig wat.  Gin gravel ry wie?!

Die lewe is te kort om nie elke geleentheid aan te gryp nie!

En bowendien;  die groot honne kyk mooi na die kleintjies!

Fluit-fluit my adventure bydrae is uit!

Ek weet nou wie jy is GS.

Ek sal jou defnitief laat weet wanneer ons ooit daai rigting gaan, dan kom jy saam.
Click on the video, then once it starts to play, click on the screen icon on the bottom right that turns the stretch function on to make it fit your screen.

:imaposer: :imaposer:

and he actually recorded it! nice one!
Jis nou is ek amper jaloers, as ek nie op 'n ander plek moes gewees het nie, was ek daar  :thumleft:
ja, en ek moes gaan opdress vir n blerrie boring kersete saam met n spul accountants, en moes die springbokrugby voor dit ook afwurg.

Hierdie is mos baie beter

As enige van julle my kan leer my bike optel, of my eenvoudig help optel sal ek graag die trippie wil saamry.