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Race Dog
Jun 15, 2011
Reaction score
Abu Dhabi
Sharingroads made some DIY LED spots and got the idea there. My goal is not so much to be seen  - but to see and that's the problem. The typical LED downlights you get in SA currently are not very powerful (12V application of course). Lumens wise you can get up to around 300. At builders, makro you can get these units (pic) selling for R500 a shot. So you'd have to fork out R1000 for a set. They are waterproof. What makes them valuable to me is that the housing is waterproof and it's got a bracket already. Other expensive options like solstice LED spots go for R1400 a unit. They've got nice 10W 900 Lumens single LED's, but you pay.

Not having all the money in the world I try to look for cheaper options without compromising on quality whenever I can. Sharingroads used flashlights for housing and used normal downlght LED, but I think his was not very powerful. Been searching around to see if you can get more powerful LED in SA on internet and got this:

Now, these LED lamps has almost 500 Lumens, a set would provide almost a 1000 Lumens. Not bad for R500. Thinking about it. 6Watts each, 12 Watts won't even make an impression on the alternator/battery. The housing is the issue: it's got to be watertight. Using flashligh housing can work but what other ideas are out there? You get the socket for these downlights at builders, mica. The nice thing about a flashlight is that it already has clear lens, i'm looking around to get a waterproof flashlight that's not too expensive or..I can make one waterproof with some silicone. Perhaps someone knows of another idea?

What ideas are out there?


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