Dont let your bike stand with fuel in it.

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Race Dog
WD Supporter
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
I have a friend who bought an 05 Dakar with around 50 000km, some 15 or 16 years ago.
Then within a year, he bought an 06/07 with less than 10 000km, because he wanted something "newer".
Neither of them got ridden more than 1000km, and for the past 10-12 years have stood in his garage.
I have on the odd occasion wanted to buy one, but he has not shown any interest.
A few weeks ago he said that he wants to start riding again, and can I please check the 2 out and
get them useable. So I collected them and last weekend started on the diagnostics. On both bikes, the
fuel was so old, it was like oil, and had left a sticky residue on the entire pump assembly and inside of the
tank, and lets not even discuss the smell. Both pumps were locked up solid.
So if you not using your bike, please drain out the fuel.

Recovery of a bike which has been standing for that long is not a cheap exercise.

What I'm saying, is, if you not using them, and not a collector, let them go to
someone who will use them.