Pack Dog
Riders: Mwendo, Flowers, RobertTheGerman(RTG) and Hugh101. Serial cancellation dogs were cancelled and not invited.
Day 1
After Coronas killed Hogs 2020 we tried again in 2021. We met at Shell N2 Strand. Tar to Suurbraak then dirt via Gysmanshoek pass onto vanwyksdorp. Here we encountered our 1st bike troubles as RTGs bikd started hooting flashing and cutting out. Hugh101s trusted 1150 started revving to almost red line in excitement. Fortunately a kind soul in a blue bakkie stopped and "vroeteled with Hugh and his engine" and the 1150 calmed down. Over Rooiberg pass & At Calitzdorp RTG inspected his trusted German 800 horse with yhe help of Hugh101 and Google a loose battery cable was fixed. We then continued on the Oudemuragie pad behind Oudtshoorn through de Rust(beer stop as wine was limited to 5man ksnne)to overnight at MeijersRust. A braai & early to bed. After 478km.
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Day 1
After Coronas killed Hogs 2020 we tried again in 2021. We met at Shell N2 Strand. Tar to Suurbraak then dirt via Gysmanshoek pass onto vanwyksdorp. Here we encountered our 1st bike troubles as RTGs bikd started hooting flashing and cutting out. Hugh101s trusted 1150 started revving to almost red line in excitement. Fortunately a kind soul in a blue bakkie stopped and "vroeteled with Hugh and his engine" and the 1150 calmed down. Over Rooiberg pass & At Calitzdorp RTG inspected his trusted German 800 horse with yhe help of Hugh101 and Google a loose battery cable was fixed. We then continued on the Oudemuragie pad behind Oudtshoorn through de Rust(beer stop as wine was limited to 5man ksnne)to overnight at MeijersRust. A braai & early to bed. After 478km.
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