EC WD Bash: The vrou and I

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Pack Dog
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
KTM 950 SE
Again I have to thank Watty and everyone who had a part in making this bash happen. :thumleft:
Its been a while since the wife and I had such a lekka time.  :biggrin:
The dogs where fantastic en ons het definetief n klomp nuwe vriende gemaak.  A job Well done en julle sal my verseker by die volgende een sien. :mwink:

Here it goes: We only live about an hour and a half from the camp site(Uitenhage), and decided to make the ride there more interesting by taking "The long way round"
We went from Uitenhage to Steytlerville, filled up and took the cement road to Willomore and entered the Baviaans from that side. The trip to the camp took us 6 and a half hours in the end.
Here's some pics of the trip and our fantastic time @ the bash.

My trusty steed all packed and ready for the road just seconds from departure.


  • My trusty steed all packed and ready for the road just seconds from departure..jpg
    My trusty steed all packed and ready for the road just seconds from departure..jpg
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We left Uitenhage @ 1100 an after about an hour of riding Colleen made me stop so she could put on some more warm clothes. It was freeeezing!

Stoped to take a pic of the flags just outside Steytlerville.


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Not to sure how you post these pics with the comments attatched. :-\ I,ll try again ??? :lamer:

Anyway...We were pushed for time as I didnt want to ride the Baviaans in the dark. So these two pics of us refueling is the only ones I took of Steytlerville and Willomore. Pitty. :-\

Sorry, no luck with this blikbrein! You must maar bare with me here. :angry4:


  • We were pushed for time as I didnt want to ride the Baviaans in the dark..jpg
    We were pushed for time as I didnt want to ride the Baviaans in the dark..jpg
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  • So these two pics of us refueling is the only ones I took of Steytlerville and Willomore. Pitty..jpg
    So these two pics of us refueling is the only ones I took of Steytlerville and Willomore. Pitty..jpg
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Entering the Baviaans. Colleen checking the info board to see if we'll make it before dark. Allready past 2 here.


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Baie lekker om jou en daai mooi goose van jou te ontmoet. Ai jai jai... ek wens ek was nou weer 'n jong man, met a vinnige bike en a smart cherrie!

Ek is nou 'n ou toppie, met a bike wat vinnige as ek is and nogs steeds 'n mooi cherrie...  :biggrin: We shall communicate again and together we shall charge at the horizon for no better reason than that the horizon needs a good charge every now and then, just so that it knows who is boss.
On the pass.Freezing cold and enjoying every second and one of a few river crossings. Thankfully only my feet got wet. Dissie lewe die!


  • On the pass.Freezing cold and enjoying every second..jpg
    On the pass.Freezing cold and enjoying every second..jpg
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  • One of a few river crossings. Thankfully only my feet got wet. Dissie lewe die!.jpg
    One of a few river crossings. Thankfully only my feet got wet. Dissie lewe die!.jpg
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Hey Vleisvreter

Pleasure meeting u 2. You actualy made it in to my ride report. You'll see a bit later.  :thumleft:
Battling with this damn comp. Donno how to marry the pics with the comments ???
Any advice?
In the end rocked up @ the site 17H20. ;)That night we had a lekka kuier and got to know the dogs a bit better(forgot to take pics) This our 1st morning. Bliksems koud en babbalas! ;D

A warm 7H00 shower seemed like a good idea @ the time until it was time to get out and dry myself with a towel the size of a sakdoek. :toothy11:

Vroulief putting on some armour for the cold.


  • In the end rocked up @ the site 17H20.That night we had a lekka kuier and got to know the dogs...jpg
    In the end rocked up @ the site 17H20.That night we had a lekka kuier and got to know the dogs...jpg
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  • A warm 7H00 shower seemed like a good idea @ the time until it was time to get out and dry mys...jpg
    A warm 7H00 shower seemed like a good idea @ the time until it was time to get out and dry mys...jpg
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  • Vroulief putting on armour for the cold..jpg
    Vroulief putting on armour for the cold..jpg
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The view from our tent made the extreme cold worth it though and the coffee bar helped to warm every body up a bit. ;)

3rd pic is of Colleen And Kaboefs wife Marli. We were watching the rugby @ the Patensie hotel.  Wat a game! We now had a good excuse to celebrate that evening. >:D

Last pic is Outside the hotel after the game, getting ready for a lekka outride. :ricky:


  • The view from our tent made the extreme cold worth it though..jpg
    The view from our tent made the extreme cold worth it though..jpg
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  • The coffee bar helped to warm every body up a bit..jpg
    The coffee bar helped to warm every body up a bit..jpg
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  • Colleen And Kaboefs wife Marli. We were watching the rugby @ the Patensie hotel.  Wat a game! ...jpg
    Colleen And Kaboefs wife Marli. We were watching the rugby @ the Patensie hotel. Wat a game! ...jpg
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  • Outside the hotel, getting ready for a lekka outride..jpg
    Outside the hotel, getting ready for a lekka outride..jpg
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1st pic:On the outride we sommer did a group test and the KTM ofcourse won hands down. :biggrin:

2nd pic: Me,Colleen, Kaboef and Marli @ the Kouga dam.  Absolutely Stunning.(The dam I mean.)

3rd:Me and Kaboef posing with our 4 wifes. :mwink:

4th:Can it get any better than this. :)


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  • Me and Kaboef posing with our 4 wifes..jpg
    Me and Kaboef posing with our 4 wifes..jpg
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  • On the outride we sommer did a group test and the KTM ofcourse won hands down..jpg
    On the outride we sommer did a group test and the KTM ofcourse won hands down..jpg
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  • On the outride we sommer did a group test and the KTM ofcourse won hands down..jpg
    On the outride we sommer did a group test and the KTM ofcourse won hands down..jpg
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Pic of me...Ja,ja and the dam wall in the backround. :mwink:
Also the correct pic of us at the dam.


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    Pic of me...Ja,ja and the dam wall..jpg
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Afternoon nap after our outing. :bueller:
And then there was the group photo on the bridge. Looked very cool. :thumleft:
Carnivore is on the last pic doing his Zoolander pose. :biggrin:


  • Afternoon nap after our outing..jpg
    Afternoon nap after our outing..jpg
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  • The group photo on the bridge. Looked very cool..jpg
    The group photo on the bridge. Looked very cool..jpg
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1st pic:Everyone getting ready for groot drink en spitbraai. >:D :pot:
2nd:Let the festivities begin! :imaposer:
3rd:Die bar en die kombuis.
4th:Die middel drie, Herms, Big E and JMan. nog n paar vannie honne wat ons beter leer ken het. :thumleft:


  • Let the festivities begin!.jpg
    Let the festivities begin!.jpg
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  • Die middel drie, Herms, Big E and JMan. n paar vannie ouens wat ons beter leer ken het..jpg
    Die middel drie, Herms, Big E and JMan. n paar vannie ouens wat ons beter leer ken het..jpg
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  • Die bar en die kombuis..jpg
    Die bar en die kombuis..jpg
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  • Everyone getting ready for groot drink en spitbraai..jpg
    Everyone getting ready for groot drink en spitbraai..jpg
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Sunday morning... All good things come to an end I suppose. :'(


  • Sunday morning packing up. Once again...Freezing!.jpg
    Sunday morning packing up. Once again...Freezing!.jpg
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  • Ice on the seat equals frozen balls..jpg
    Ice on the seat equals frozen balls..jpg
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  • Colleen warming her bum for the trip home..jpg
    Colleen warming her bum for the trip home..jpg
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  • Scraping the ice of the seat..jpg
    Scraping the ice of the seat..jpg
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  • Me posing with the MAN. Watty jou doring..jpg
    Me posing with the MAN. Watty jou doring..jpg
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1st stopped over @ a breakfast run in Patensie for some baken & eggs before heading home. :pot:
What a weekend. Wanted to cry when I had to get up for work this morning. :'(

Dankie al die honne vir n great naweek :thumleft:

Cant wait to go ride again. :ricky:


  • 1st stopped over @ a breakfast run in Patensie for some baken & eggs before heading home..jpg
    1st stopped over @ a breakfast run in Patensie for some baken & eggs before heading home..jpg
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Yes meneer....

Dit was great om Colleen te ontmoet, jy was seker ook OK........ hehehe

Ons moet 'n post bash braai reël, sien uit daarna om julle ouens weer te sien.

PS..... Nice RR and lekka pics.