Escape to Kalkfontein

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My response.

Hi Dominic.

Thank you for your reply.

Firstly, I sincerely apologise for the wording of my initial email, and please pass this onto Mr Fouche.

I lost my one and only beloved son on the 15th of March last year. My encounter with Thando was on the 17th of February, Brandon’s birthday. That made it so much more special to me and a lot more emotional.

When I received the message from Thando, basically begging me not to make mention of it anywhere, or speak to Isuzu, I was angered and disappointed, I overreacted, and hence the outburst, which I again apologise for.

Your message has put me at ease and I appreciate the fact that Thando will receive the recognition he deserves.

I will forward the photos and the details of our encounter this evening.

Thank you again.


Marius Bosch
Project Manager
Nat Dip Civ Eng
My last email to Dominic at Isuzu.

Good evening.

Herewith the details of my encounter with Thando.

I had planned to leave home in PE on the 17th of February, at around 05h00, but for some reason, I just could not get going and only left at 08h00.

Before I left, I stood next to Matilda, my trusty steed, and prayed for protection, guidance and assistance, not knowing how much I was going to need it

My route, through Rocklands, Uitenhage and then outside Uitenhage, take the Cockscombe gravel road to Steytlerville. Due to the heavy rains experienced in that area, there were some challenging sections along the way, but I was not prepared for the flooding Groot Rivier. There was absolutely no way that I was going to get across that river.

At that moment, my only option was to ride all the way back to the R75 tar road, as my GPS could not give me any alternative routes, there was no signal so I could not even try Google Maps, meaning a 3 to 4 hour extra ride. As I was contemplating my options, a bakkie crossed the river, from the opposite side, which then stopped, and I met Thando.

He asked me if he could be of assistance, and I just said I need to get across this river, or I am not going to get to my destination, Kalkfontein Guest Farm, on time. It was already 10h45 and I still had a long way to go, and judging by the gravel roads which I had been on up to that stage, it was not going to be an easy ride. And that proved to be the case, the 580 km I did for the day, took me 12 hours, which would have been a lot more, if I did not have my Thando encounter.

Thando promptly said that if we can get the bike on the back of the bakkie, he will take me across, and then there was the conversation about me not making this publicly known, as there could be negative repercussions, and he could lose his employment. YET, despite this, he was willing to help someone in need. That, in itself speaks volumes about the character of this caring, amazing young man.

I had to ride Matilda through the bush to get to the embankment, which Thando had reversed up to and we used the ballast sand bags to create a ramp and the bike was on the back of the Isuzu.

Thando drove across the river, then the next challenge, and this REALLY was a challenge, was to get this 400 kg bike off. Fortunately, another driver stopped and assisted us and Matilda was eventually back on the road.

Just to put things into perspective, the driver of the other bakkie was not willing to take on the river. Therein lies another story, he said that there was a detour below the dam wall a few 100m ahead, which I could have taken coming from the other side, but it looked like a turn-off to a farmhouse, with no signage. Be that as it may, I am glad that I did not discover that detour, because then I would not have met Thando.

As the other driver was leaving, Thando was ready to leave, I asked him for a few minutes of his time.

I told him about Brandon, that today would have been his 28th birthday, that I had prayed that morning, and that he was the angel God had sent to help me in my time of need. Thando embraced me and hugged me for a long time, you have absolutely no idea what that meant to me. It will be a moment which will remain with me to my dying day.

You have a very special employee in him, and Dominic, being part of the Adventure Biking fraternity, you will understand what it means to us, we, as bikers will always assist another biker, but when a non-biker goes out their way to assist us in times of need, it is so much more meaningful.

I have one last request, please, however you decide to recognise what Thando did, I would really like to be a part of it, if possible. Due to my circumstances, I am riding for a reason and for a cause, those details are for another time, for now, I would just like to see Thando being given justified recognition, which he deserves.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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The response from Isuzu. I had a long chat with Thando today. He has been praised by his superiors for what he did.

It is very simple, the meaning of our lives, make a difference, and have as much positive impact as possible in the lives of others.

Hi Marius,
Thanks. I will let you know how we can accommodate your participation in this specific recognition event.

Dominic Rimmer
Senior Vice President Technical Operations
Tel: +27 41 403 9232
Cell: +27 78 056 1466
Email: [email protected]

Isuzu Motors South Africa
Aloes Industrial Park, St George Street, 6210
Markman, South Africa
This is so much more than just a Ride Report. So evocative of “the deep heart’s core” (W.B.Yeats)...

Such a powerful invitation to empathize. Thank you ...

All that being said, looking forward to the rest of it  :biggrin:
In a certain way, this incident reminds me of Hebrews 13:2
Nou weet ons mens kan n gelaaide GSA op die nuwe shape Isuzu laai wat nog nie eens op die showroom vloere is nie!! ;) :thumleft:
It was 10h40 when I arrived at the flooded river, it was 11h20, after a smoke break and some water, when I headed off to Steytlerville. 40 minutes to cross the river was better than the time it would have taken if I had been forced to go the alternative route.

It was stinking hot and there were some challenging sections along the way, all as a result of the recent heavy rains.


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From Steytlerville, I chose to take the tar, then concrete road, and not the gravel option towards Willowmore. I had to make up for lost time.

Then I found out why it was so hot, OVEN.


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Last section of concrete, then tar road, a quick stop in Willowmore, before getting back onto the gravel to Rietbron.


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The road to Rietbron was an amazing gravel road. So great to see dams of water in the Karoo.

Rietbron, definitely where you want to go if you desire complete peace, tranquility and solitude.


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From Rietbron, it was direction Leeu-Gamka, via Seekoegat and Kruidfontein.

Well, that was the plan. Apart from a few hot spots, it went smoothly.


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It was just after 15h00 when I stopped at this river crossing. It was extremely hot and I wet my head and buff in the river to help me cool down.

There was clear evidence of how this river must have flooded at some stage.

When I opened my insulated top box to get some cold drink, I discovered that the milk carton had torn and there was milk everywhere, so I unpacked it, removed the insulating insert, chucked out the milk and cleaned up as best as I could.

Then it was off to Seekoegat and Kruidfontein crossing over the tarred R12 and back onto gravel.


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Nou mis ek daai paaie! Ek het ChrisL het een aand op daai Seekoegat-pad 'n gawe padkamp gemaak langs 'n rivierlopie.
There was a clear change in the vegetation from the higher lying areas to to the lower river bed areas.

Slimy algae covered concrete river crossings remained a challenge. As it was with washed out silt covered river crossings.


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A slight obstacle, does not seem much on the photos, but by now, I am hot, I am tired, it is 16h30 and I still have a long way to go.

Pack some rocks, then realise there is a gate, open the gate and drive around.

One of those duh moments.


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Soon after this, I passed a farmhouse, went around a corner, and then there was this 300m stretch of thick sand in front of me, no way around, stand up, open up, and I made it for about 50m, and down we went.

I was so pissed off, forgot to take photos.

Could not pick her up. My feet kept on slipping out.

I walked about a km back to the farm, met Hennie the farmer and his son Tiaan. In the bakkie, they helped me get Matilda up, got about 10m and fell over again. Struggled to get momentum. Eventually I got out of the sand with them right behind me.

Hennie told me that the road split up ahead, one going to Kruidfontein, dubious road conditions, the other heading to Prince Albert, with an alternative route to Kruidfontein. I headed off with them behind me.

Hit the intersection, kept right and then there was the full on thick sand river crossing, which I barely got across, around a bend and then it was just sand. Down I went again.

Hennie, leave the bike, get into the bakkie and let's go and look at the river ahead.

Thank goodness we did. I would not have gotten across this. The photos do not do justice to the situation.



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Back to the fallen steed.

It took 3 grown men about 15 minutes to get her turned around in the thick sand. I headed off with them behind me and as I got into the river crossing, it felt like I hit some hidden object under the sand, and Matilda just veered off to the left and I got bogged down. Solidly bogged down. Matilda stood on her own.

Recovery straps out, attach to the bakkie, but I immediately felt that I was going to be pulled down not out. Straps off, so it was up to Traction Control, throttle and clutch control and splutter, splutter, BR-A-A-A-P out.

Hennie and Tiaan escorted me to the junction and I was back on normal gravel road, heading for Leeu-Gamka.

There was so much water everywhere and so much evidence of what this area must have been like at the height of the flooding.



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DASKOP said:
As I was standing looking at this river in flood, a bakkie crossed over from the other side.

The driver stopped and asked me if he could be of help in crossing this major obstacle

Nice looking Isuzu that, the D-Max

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