F1 TV coverage is now pretty good while motorcycle event coverage is disapearing

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May 30, 2008
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Many years ago I was a massive Formula One fan, but my interest waned over the years and now sometimes I will try to catch the start and the end.

But seeing as I am now unable to ride a motorcycle for a few months, and there is such a lot of absolute shit, not to mention repeats, on TV, I ended up recording anything  thought would keep me entertained while  I spent a week or two at home recuperating from bicep surgery. And one of the things I did record were a couple of F1 races.

So it’s still only the start and the last few laps possibly that hold my attention, but I have to say I really enjoy the whole production since the Americans took over.

It is so interactive, with many roving reporters, interviews, and they make it really interesting. It also includes the practices, qualifying and the race in the same sort of format.
So well done to the new folks in charge, now can we have similar in MotoGP.

On another note, has anyone noticed how little motorcycle coverage we actually get nowadays? It’s been done fairly slowly but all we get besides the magazine type shows like “The Bike Show” and “2 Wheels TV” are MotoGP and World SBK, although there are one or two other programs like Kings of Dirt that cover the local enduro and MX scene.

It seems the days of FIM World Trails, FIM World Eunduro, The FIM World MX, World Free Style, the  Arena X and similar are gone for good. I mean at one point Supersport even gave us the Lucas Oil Moto X Championship from America as well, and we could watch Monster Super X on ESPN, which DSTV also canned.
Now we get to watch ten different kinds of Nascar.

WTF is all I can think of saying.