Friday lunchtime quickie

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X

Know the one about the greek tavern owner and the chineese laundry owner?

Every Friday the greek would ask the chinaman what day it was and the chinaman would answer: "Its Flyday" and the greek would kill himself laughing at the pronounciation.
This carried on for many weeks till the chinaman got tired of this and made up his mind to pronounce the word fRiday correctly, so he practiced and practiced till he eventually got it right.
Sure enough on friday the greek again asked him what day it was.....

Exasperated the chinaman said " Its FRIDAY you flucking Gleek!"

So Lunchtime today I decided to take a quick ride. The TA had been standing in the cold damp garage and to my surprise! I almost could not get the motor to start - cranked a few times with choke on then off then on but all that was happening was the battery was getting flatter.
Eventually it chugged to life, spluttering and backfiring, then it settled down and ran as usual. This is honestly the first time in two and a half years that it did not start right away.

So, the battery now just about pap I naturally had to go for a nice long ride!

Out along the N1 to the Joostenburg turnoff where the call of the gravel overtook me and I follwed the gravel road to Phesantekraal, left towards Wellington and short left to Braams voerkrale, to where my favourite water feature is.
I was kinda disapointed. The roads were as dry as can be, and my waterfeature but a damp squib.
I then returned via Spes Bona and Adderley. The last named is now in a much worse condition after the rain, with plenty of potholes but nothing to write about. An lunch hour ride, much enjoyed.

I thought the roads would be more muddy after all that weekend rain.


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With all this riding about, what did you have for lunch? :scratch: Nice ride though by the sounds of things.
Hey Droff, just as I congratulated you on a posting job well done, I find I have to cr@p on you for neglecting your scoot?  You really and truly shouldn't neglect your scoot, next time up she's gonna throw you a flat ignore!  >:D

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