From Cape Town to EC Bash - the alternative

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Grey Hound
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
Hildebrand & Wolfmuller (all models)
I'm leaving on Thursday, turning right just after Barrydale (although I might push on to Ronnie's for a quickie before doing a U-turn) and then doing the backroads over Riversdale and Herbertsdale before heading in George's direction along the back roads. After Knysna I'm going over the Prince Alfred Pass before overnighting at Angies G-Spot at the magic little haven De Vlugt. Friday morning I'm heading for Bash. If anyone else wants to join and they have time problems, we can leave on Friday and shoot throught to Bash early on Saturday. I'm cool.

En route back I'm going solo as I'm visiting a mate in George who's back from an Iraq 'tour of duty'. We'll be behaving like proper rednecks and I don't want to subject any civilised human being to our behaviour.

I'm doing this trip anyway, regardless of maatjies. I'll be stopping now and then for a beer and kakpraat with locals.