Got my GPS.. Now what

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Fuzzy Muzzy

Gentleman Dog
WD Vendor
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Bothasig , Cape Town
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
All fantastic, my 62s arrived today.

Now the take begins of gettng to grips on how to work a GPS to it's fullpotential.

I have done the setup and had a brief look at some of the features.. so far I am very impressed.

Now what?  I assume I have to get some mapping software to suite the type of exploring and off road riding we do.. what is the 1st step

The how to section is helpfull but I am technologically challenged so I need things explaoned in laymans terms.. for example

1) I go to google maps to try and plot a route.. no idea how. I right click and say get directions from here.. and drag it , but it takes the tar road all the time, how do you plot a gravel route? and stop it from doing it's own thing or plotting the shortest route?

2) I tried loading Track Maker and all I got was : Runtime error '339' Component 'mscomm32.ocx" or one of it's dependancies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid

OK awesome, I may be technically retarded but determined to understand it all.
