Groot Marico part II

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Jan 30, 2006
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Ever since Allover had to sit out on the last GM trip due to three flats he really wanted to go back and do the full loop. So bright and early (read chilly) Monday morning we were ready to ride. We left PTA and arranged to meet Kapp near Hartbeespoort. It was to be Kapp on his new 950 SE, Allover 950 SE, Redrider XR 650, Runner XR 650 and sidetrack on his DRZ 400.

Total km for the day was 550 km from my house and back. The loop went all the way to Zeerust via GM and back. The first stretch to the dam was tar all the way, the first dirt and a quick stop for a pic.


The route followed Breedtsnek where we ran into Welsh taking the GSV for a quick spin. He complained about hitting no rocks and not having the oppertunity to properly test his new bashplate. It looked the business though  8)



Quick beer and we were on our way, the first proper dirt and the countryside turned into some nice sweeping bushveld tracks.


On our way to Koster and the XR 650's were up to their fun and games as usual  ;D


There must have been quite alot of rain a couple of days before. The dirt roads were filled with tyre tracks from bakkies, the mud which now became baked was rock hard making for some interesting lines. It felt like riding on corrugated roads, not enjoyable at all  :-[

We also came across two Wharthogs racing down the trail, eventually they realised that getting the heck out of the way was a much better option then trying to outsprint these metal machines. One did charge Allover's SE when he got to close, maybe they are Jedi pigs  ??? Kapp dropping into Bokkraal where the scenery is always green.


Followed by Runner passing my trusty steed.


Past Bokkraal and onto the little Switzerland road which rises, sweeps and dips for a good 15 km which leads to Groot Marico. We were looking forward to a nice lunch and a cold beer, we found both  ;D



After lunch we headed past the Groot Marico dam in the direction of Zeerust following the river for some more dirt. We found some nice tracks through a local village, certainly the most entetaining bit of track for the whole day.


Allover hit a rock and bent his chain guide quite badly, a quick pry with a tyre lever drew some blood but got it sorted  >:D Seems Groot Marico holds no luck for him, at least we had no flats !



It was time to head home and the last bit of dirt on the otherside of Boons turned out to be a good little ride. We made a last stop at the river before heading towards Hekpoort.




I just grew tired of the last stretch of tar and decided to pull into the local Total, even the petrol attendend said I looked tired ! An Energade and energy bar helped and I took it slow riding at a steady 90 km/h back home.

Thanks guys, till next time.
Nice pics as always, I think I should have joined you, would have been healthier, I met other WD,s later too much beer :-[ 8)


I was following a "DS" Bike towards Hekpoort an hour earlier, took me a while to catch up then I could hear what it was before I could see the details, those 950 SE,s BARK!!!


I have a few more mods to do on the bashplate, but it is getting there.

Welsh 8) 8)