Halfway to Nelspruit !

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Race Dog
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
A quick test to figure out this photo link thing, then ill be back.

EDIT:  ahhh easy. Report to follow.
The weekends trip started on Friday with me leaving Vanderbijlpark heading out to Johannesburg at 4:30pm to get to Malibuâ??s place. My son Trevor was coming with and we were both really excited as this would be his first 100km trip on the bike with me. The plan was for him to transfer to Malibuâ??s sisters cage for the rest of the journey. We got to Johannesburg just after 6pm. A nice slow drive with a 15min stop for us to stretch our legs. He REALLY loved the ride and im so proud of him as he didnâ??t complain once.

Apon arrival at Malibuâ??s place she was mounting her new crash bars and bash plate â?? this lady rocks and loves getting her hands dirty. I pulled in and started striping my bike down to get the heated grips wired up. We finished up about 9ish.

Pics only start from here.

I was really not looking forward to the next morning as we were schedualed to hit the road just after 5am. Im not a very good morning person and this soon became very evident to Malibu and her sisterâ?¦.. hahahaha sorry guys. But once im outta bed, its hay and away.

It wasnâ??t too cold, but we knew we would cry later. Layer layer layer saved the day. It was very misty and we kept the speed down to 100km. Me having night blindness does not help either.

First stop of the morning putting in petrol.

On the highway heading out of Johannesburg.

Its getting light and a bit of mist drifting across the road.

Our first stop for coffee and a smoke break.

The weekend was looking good so far with high expectations of spending Saturday afternoon bashing the dirt in the mountains between Nelspruit and Barberton when disaster struck.

My bike just promptly died 12km out side Witbank. I only got her back Friday at 2pm from the shop after a service and some engine work. A quick check over the bike and we were stumped at what could be wrong. A quick call to KLR central and Groenie gave me advise on what to check, thanks boet.

Out come the tools as Malibu watches for on coming traffic  :thumleft:

Agg this is no problemo, dirty fuel or something. Its all part of the adventure and im still smiling away.

D showed my son how the camera works and he got the job of snapping away as I stripped the bike. As you can see we are all still in high spirits.

Malibu doing her nun impression

Malibu and her sister D.

I start striping the bike, and soon after me and Malibu are investigating what the likely cause could be.

Could be it be a spark problem ???? now this is after a service and only 230km !!!

Now im not going to bitch at the moment until I know exactly what is wrong with the bike, but the service was not done at all. You should have seen my air filter !!!

Get on the phone with the dealer and sort him out Malibu chirps

And I promptly did, hahahahaha Nothing like doing the air finger !!

And down in the bushes so the gang couldnâ??t hear me.

Itâ??s a k@rk thing to happen actually from both our sides. The dealers and mine. The work shop manager cant check every bike and relys on the mechanic to do his f@rking job correctly. Mechanic has been sorted out.

So what now ?

More calls to Groenie and we decide to try one last effort. Malibu is gonna shoot into town and get me a new spark plug. Even though we think itâ??s a timing issue we need to try something.

She calls me from the shop, they have tested the plug and its fine. I talk to the mechanic/owner and he also thinks a timing issue is the culprit. Ohhh F@RK.
So these very kind people just hand over their shops Hyndai bakkie keys to Malibu and say â??go fetch your manâ? Malibu gets back out to me, we load the bike and head off into town. What a great group of people.

A big thanks to Bike & Boat in Witbank.

So now im stuck driving the cage  and have to watch with tears in my eyes as Malibu storms down the highway. I really felt like crying at some points I can tell you. We basically tried to gun it the rest of the way as we were now 3 hours over due.

Malibu in cruise mode.

Malibu stretching the legs.

Its becoming a Malibu report from here on inâ?¦hahahahahaha


At one of the garages we stopped and 2 Australians pulled in heading back up to Tanzania after buying them selfs KTM 640's from a place in Sandton. One of the guys back tubes was ripped at the valve and he had a flat. They also broke the wheel spanner at the garage before.

WildDogs to the rescue  :thumleft:

We sorted them out with a new tube and a shifty spanner. Wrong size tube, but all it had to do was get them to Nelspruit I think another 60 or so km down the highway.

Sitting at Millys 30 minutes later having a beer and feeding the fish we seen the two lads ride past on the highway. Good luck lads.




We left Millys garage/resturant after a few ales and some bloated fish in the dam, Trevor fed them a hamburger roll  :imaposer:

More to follow......
Im trying guys  :imaposer: ive never done this linked picture report before, it takes time  :mwink:

Coming in to Waterval Boven

I think this is heading into Waterval Onder on the way to KaapseHoop

About 10 km past KaapSeHoop and onto the dirt roads used by sappi. Now I literally cried, the roads were fantastic for biking and im in a cage.



We didnâ??t take any more pictures going in, as Malibu cranked her throttle and was gone in a flash. At this point I was totally devastated and just wanted to drown my sorrows and couldnâ??t give a hoot about sharing the scenery with anyone. Sorry guys, im sure you understand.

We had a great time with Malibuâ??s family and friends on the farm. Sorry, no pics of the surrounding area, way to busy socializing.

We woke up to a slight drizzle Sunday morning which had cleared up just after 11 when we left. Cage fully loaded with D and the three boys we were ready to set off.

I had been trying my best to keep my chin up having a f@rked bike and having to drive the cage from Witbank that Malibu felt so sorry for me,,,,,,, she offered her bike and said she would pillion. WOW. I know how much she loves her GS, and here she decides she will let me ride it home with her on the back. What a gal  :-*

Ive never ridden her bike, so she gave me a quick drill on where all the buttons are and how the digital thingy works  :D

As itâ??s the first time im riding with Malibu on the back, and with it being the first time im riding a bike with so much power we took it very easy going out on the dirt.

A few pics that the boys took from Dâ??s car.


Its a beautiful place and i promise excellent pics next time we go.




Once we got back on tar, the weather started to close in and we took a slight drizzel in our paces.

The tar was a bit slippery, they redone the surface in the area without using enough tar with the stones.


We hit real bad fog and mist coming down towards Kaapsehoop

Really scary in places and we had to drop to 20km an hour

We pushed on through and can laugh about it now.

Getting back to the norm

We met new people and shook some paws on the way back home but nothing eventfull. Because my bike was man down and my son was in the cage, Malibu, D and the boys all came down to Vanderbijlpark to drop us off. Love you guys  :thumleft: :thumleft:

This last pic was taken by one of Dâ??s boys on their way back to Johannesburg. A fitting picture to end off an exciting weekend.

Befok....? gefok....? opgefok.....? Gaan daai macky OPFOK? Take your pick.

I skrikked my gat off when you called Saturday morning. Luckily it was just the bike. Next time you go, I'm coming with and bringing my whole family.
Groenie said:
Befok....? gefok....? opgefok.....? Gaan daai macky OPFOK? Take your pick.

I skrikked my gat off when you called Saturday morning. Luckily it was just the bike. Next time you go, I'm coming with and bringing my whole family.

Your the best guy to know my spanner skills  :imaposer: like non existant  :thumleft: 

It was a lekker learning experiance, just wish it was a silly puncture  :p

Sorry about the Bike!
Hope you get sorted soon.
Malibu, how does that bike pillion?
Sorry to hear about the bike. At least you still had some fun on the weekend.

Nice report and thanks for sharing...
JustBiking said:
Sorry to hear about the bike. At least you still had some fun on the weekend.
Nice report and thanks for sharing...
Lekka one Smithey,
But your bike getting bust cost me 50c. I bet Li that you would drop your bike at least once while trying to chase Malibu on the 800 through the trees on your KLR.
You never gave me a chance to win my 50c
But looks like fun !
I (Missus) had a similar experience on the childrens charity ride, when the Peg almost lost the front sprocket due the appy fitting a circlip and not a NUT farkin idiot!! was also bout 200k after the service..

Good to see it all turned out well in the end.
Plothond said:
Well done
Lekker entertaining storey

So what's up with your bike ???

Dont know yet, bike getting shipped back this week to the dealer.

Gunda, sorry about the 50c mate...... :imaposer: we will have to have a chat about my worth though...... 50c....  :imaposer:  u buggers  :imaposer:

Stofstreep, from a riders perspective, and my first time riding the 800, it pillions great. Lots of power two up. 150 easy on the highway, and still a jolt of power left with me not knowing the power of the bike. I did take a beating from the wind though, but im tall so its to be expected.
Smithey said:
Gunda, sorry about the 50c mate...... :imaposer: we will have to have a chat about my worth though...... 50c....  :imaposer:  u buggers   :imaposer:
No Smithey, it was only the bet that you would drop the bike chasing Malibu that was worth 50c - given your imense riding skill I would not wager more.
YOUR value on the other hand is far more - say R1,50 .  ;D  :pot:
Nice report Smithey....

Well, after all that, and not getting onto much dirt (I had a great ride in â?? lovely when the car following is traveling at about 20, I knew I could take the long way in and really crank the dirt), but knowing if I was still out there when they arrived at the farm, Iâ??d have a sobbing man to handle, so kept to some form of decent schedule.  Heheheheee

At least heâ??s seen the roads down thereâ?¦ I think there is a serious desire to return! 

I gotta say, itâ??s pretty neat that everyone helped as they did, especially the guys from Bike & Boat (Suzuki shop) in Witbank â?? no drama â?? the chap just gave me the keys, checked there were enough tie-downs and sent me off to fetch Smithey!  There was of course some added bonus for him â?? a lot of people suddenly started arriving to look at the GS parked outside â?? Iâ??m sure they got some extra sales that day!  ::)

I felt terrible for Smithey, sitting in the car looking totally miserable!  My heart was busting for him!  At least I knew that all would be fine on the farm with that pack.  If any group can cheer someone up itâ??s them! 

And with regards to being a pillion â?? well!  If Smithy was not such a damn good wind-break, Iâ??d leave this with the comment of not being a recommended activity.  I gotta say that considering it was his first time on the bike, he handled the dirt bloody well, and I actually felt safe perched on the back!  This is however, the last time Iâ??ll say it!  8)

All in all, it was an adventure... and I enjoyed...  :biggrin:
A great report to a great adventure it seemed and the scenery stunning too, just not the mist though!  ;) Pity about the bike, but on the plus side you got to ride Malibuâ??s 800!  ;D  ;D
Misty said:
A great report to a great adventure it seemed and the scenery stunning too, just not the mist though!  ;) Pity about the bike, but on the plus side you got to ride Malibuâ??s 800!  ;D  ;D


I never realised how boring it is being pillion!