Hartebeespoort / Brits / Canal Road 2008-03-30 report

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Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Kymco (all models)
Is it just me that gets a tune in my head while riding, and then it just won't go away?

Todayâ??s tune was the old John Denver song where the chorus goes "Some days are diamonds/ Some days are stones"

Well it was highly relevant, 'cos today was one of those "Diamond Days" that had no stones in it, other than a few in the road and they were no problem - we just rode aroundâ??em.

I have wanted to do the Canal Road ever since I read about it here on the forum, and when DeepBass9 asked if anyone was keen to ride out that way I deviously, and I must concede skillfully, steered the thread in the direction of the Canals. We soon had a quorum of riders,  that would have been two but ended up three, some tracks kindly supplied by messrs. Lourens.DL & Zerc, and a plan that kicked into action at Harties this morning.

Unfortunately DeepBass9 had to drop out, but the Wild Hearted Son  took the bait and joined Zerc and I for the ride â?? and what a lekka ride.

The Canal road is well worth a trip. It is essentially the service road that follows one of the irrigation canals from Hartebeespoort dam almost all the way to Beestekraal â?? a distance of a little over 80Km -  of which all except a few Kms are on gravel.  What I enjoyed most about the trip is the variety. There are a few straight bits where you can open up a bit, a few twisty bits, a couple of puddle crossings, a bit of Brits suburbia, but most of the ride is through the farm lands that the canal serves.

I spent most of the ride in my customary last position behind WHS on his humungous Varraroodoo â??err- Veradoodoo â??err- Veryhoodoo â??err- Big Honda 1000 twin, and although the bike dwarfs him,  watching him ride the mother is like poetry in motion â?? amazing!

Route Technical? I would say not in general. In fact I was thinking that it would be a great road to take newbies on, but there are a few places where I nearly made an upstake (that is a cross between a mistake and a f***-up) but then I am only slightly post-newbie myself. There are a few places where there are signs that the mud-monster has visited, but thankfully he remained thirsty today.

One thing I believe is really necessary is a GPS loaded with the track. I suspect it may be almost impossible without one as there are many intersections and turn-offs, and even with Zercâ??s Zumo, and me with two on my bars, we still had to return and re-route a few times.  At one point a blerry farmer has thrown a gate through the road and, like a fool, I had ignored Lourens.DLâ??s detour and we had to blunder along a few rocky footpaths where the locals were harvesting something that looked and smelled suspiciously illegal, before getting back on the track.

Any misfortune to report? Absolutely none! No men down. No punctures, Nothing bust. No rain & mud,  in fact just a lekka, low-stress, high-enjoyment day.

(Ignoring a few scary bits of sand on the way home â?? somebodyâ??s got to help me get riding through sand right!!)

Thanks to Zerc and WHS for their excellent company and a really good day.

Route and pics to follow:-


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Some Pics from the ride


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I must agree with Gunda2. A very enjoyable day. The ride was relaxing and scenic with a couple of easy watery bits and the weather was perfect.


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Hi guys. I'd love to do that route with you if you want to do it again at some time, just need a bit longer warning that the ride is going to take place. I hate missing GundaGunda's coffee breaks!
Any chance of organizing a noob ride out that way?

I'm glad you guys had a good ride.  I'd like to do it again sometime. 
Uncle said:
Hi guys. I'd love to do that route with you if you want to do it again at some time, just need a bit longer warning that the ride is going to take place. I hate missing GundaGunda's coffee breaks!
Any chance of organizing a noob ride out that way?


Would love to - now that I sort-of know the route.
Was actually thinking it may form the basis of a future "Social ride" - the only slight problem is that once you are on the Canal Road there are not many pubs or restaurants on the way ! Although the road is fairly easy it is also quite slow for riders like me who like to shift down down for dirty curves.
Thanks guys for a great ride - I really enjoyed it

Always nice to meet new faces & ride to new places

Thats what makes being a WD so great

Let's do it again real soon y'hear

I am surprised it is in such good condition, I expected to see more of the Mud Monster
:'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

I wish I could have been there. I spent Saturday doing this : https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=16343.0 so it was a bummer not to be able to ride on Sunday. Next time......
Very cool report guys. :thumleft:

We were at Beestekraal on Saturday, what a spot, i think that all the WD's that go that way should support them. Bike friendly people too that run it.

bmad said:
Very cool report guys. :thumleft:

We were at Beestekraal on Saturday, what a spot, i think that all the WD's that go that way should support them. Bike friendly people too that run it.

waypoint pls
Can you please post the GPS route.

I think this is one of the 101 rides to do before you die...
VMAN said:
Can you please post the GPS route.

I think this is one of the 101 rides to do before you die...

Yup, still have it.
Need to do some work on it - few places where we got a bit lost, and where we hit a locked gate and back-tracked need to be edited.

I am working on the WD newcastle weekend at the moment, but when done I will fix it up.

Was thinking of suggesting a Mega-Canal-Trip-Social-Run - maybe towards end of May ?? Do it with lots of warning and see if we can get a whole procession of bikes together.

GundaGunda said:
the only slight problem is that once you are on the Canal Road there are not many pubs or restaurants on the way !
You have no idea how many shabeens are in the area. This is Africa, throw a rock and within 100m of where it lands you will find beer.
But then again most don't drink and ride, they do sell coke.

shark_za said:
GundaGunda said:
the only slight problem is that once you are on the Canal Road there are not many pubs or restaurants on the way !
You have no idea how many shabeens are in the area. This is Africa, throw a rock and within 100m of where it lands you will find beer.
But then again most don't drink and ride, they do sell coke.
;D ;D
Strange, I don't remember seeing too many - other than a dodgy one that still had a number of residual drinks from the previous evening just beyond Brits.

I musta been watching the road too hard!! ::)

I did have a waypoint on the "Bakgat Bottle Store"  ;D
Nice one Peter  ;) NO Gay ride this time  ??? Sorry to have missed it :mad: My bike has gone in for a complete face-lift and will only be back this week Tuesday or Wednesday and then i am OFF to Wakkerstroom area ;D


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