HELP needed - getting GPS to recognise a map on SD card - SORTED

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
West Rand
Yamaha Super Tenere
Dear brilliant people (esp. [member=2427]GundaGunda[/member]  ;) ), I desperately need some help, before I the last few tendrils of my remaining sanity gets whipped away by the wind of ignorance.

The situation is thus:

I bought a brand new Garmin GPSMAP 66s. I also have an old Oregon 300 (scratched, some strategic band-aids, but still entirely functional). However this plea for assistance is about the new GPSMAP 66s unit.

I bought and downloaded the latest T4A maps. I transfer them to a microSD card (2 MB to 8 MB card sizes) using Basecamp/MapSource. File Explorer confirms the map is on the SD card. The Oregon picks up the map and it works on it. BUT, the GPSMAP 66s unit doesn't recognise the map (it doesn't show it as a map option).

I also bought Garmin's own Africa Topo map. Downloaded, installed, but the GPS doesn't show it as an available map. Ironically, Basecamp sees it on the SD card in the GPS. (An aside: Garmin's support dept makes Home Affairs look like the epitomy of helpfulness).

I also have an old Garmin Maps Africa (ca. 2010) on an SD card. The GPS reads this fine and displays the map.

My plea: how do I get the new GPSMAP 66s to work with my new maps?  Eternal thanks and appreciation to the collective wisdom on this great forum (well apart from the rel+pol section...).