Honda Riding Academy - Louvain

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Bachelor Dog
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Honda TransAlp XL700V
On Saturday I attended the Honda Riding Academy course held at Louvain in the Langkloof. With every new Honda sold there is free rider training as a value add, whether it be a quad, MX bike, Adventure bike or Superbike.

Honda had an open day at Louvain and usual the whole family was welcome. Louvain is a great venue with 4x4 tracks, eunduro & MX tracks etc. All kinds of bikes bikes could be seen in action.




It was nice to see a lot of new Transalp 700's attending as well as some Transalp 650's and some Yamaha's. Also nice to see what farkles other people have added to their bikes. Givi crashbars:


After listening to the theory side of things we went out to test everything in practice. This is the fun part. :biggrin:

We started of with the basics - riding slalom...


...with the cones being put closer and closer together.



Slow riding in tight circles looking at the cone in the middle:


Braking locking the wheels and braking adding some front brakes:



And then we headed out on some portions of the enduro track. This was one helluva downhill :eek:


As per usual you do not see the real incline on the photo but suffice it to say it was steep! Can a TransAlp go down there? :eek:


Not only is it going down there - it's coming back up! This has to be seen to be believed.

Unfortunately due to limited functionality on forum software I cannot embed the videos I have taken here. It is a pet hate of mine when I have to click a link to go somewhere else to see something, but if you want to see the videos you'll have to have a look at the ride report on my blog.

All I can say here is Wow! I've said many times that this bike handles much better off road than you expect, but I have seen today that this truly is a very capable bike off road.

So the instructor makes it look easy, but can anyone do it? With enough practice yes. 8)


I caught the fall on video and not on camera...

The bike didn't have much damage either. I was really surprised. I thought if my bike even just fell over before I've got my crashbars fitted that would be the end of the fairing, but no. These bikes seem to crash very well. Some dirt and minor scratches only.


There are more video footage of the different bikes doing the hillclimb including a CTX200 Bushlander 8) Just photo's in this ride report however :-\

Some more scenery out on the Enduro track:


Pretty tame compared to the hillclimb, but not without incidents :-\



Once again minor damage only. Some scratches and 'n broken flicker.


I know of two other bikes (other brands) that's was written off recently. Both had relative minor falls and cosmetic damage only, but due to the costs of repair fixing them was not feasible. It's really good to know that these bikes crash so well. Just another thing where this Honda surprises the hell out of me.

What an enjoyable day!


If at all possible I will also attend the Honda Streetbike Academy on the racetrack in Cape Town. After seeing what it can do off road I would love to see what it can do on road! This truly is an all round bike.  8)
Lekke een Trailrider

EK wou nog altyd daai afdraai Louvain toe vat. Ek skat die courses is oop vir almal.
Weet jy wat dit kos en is dit die moeite werd?

Ride on Brother!!
Ek is onseker van die kostes, maar dis verseker die moeite werd. Kyk op hulle website:
Hi TR.  Nou het die Wings Trail status met die merkies. 

Ek besef net dat elke bike het sy eie karakter trekke en  vvir my is dit soos perdry - as jy nog nie afgeval het nie, kan jy nog nie perdry nie.

Geniet TA.

O ja, was Johan Grey die Instrukteur vir die dag?
I bought a Trans Alp last year and November, and Honda also told me of these training days, but until now, I havent heard anything from them. So my question is Trailrider, did they invite you, or did you just go???
JO GSA said:
I bought a Trans Alp last year and November, and Honda also told me of these training days, but until now, I havent heard anything from them. So my question is Trailrider, did they invite you, or did you just go???

Got an invite. Honda SA called and e-mailed me after I bought the bike and I also got 2 SMS's and 2 calls from Honda Wing George confirming. Honda George's service is legendary (maybe that's why they're the Nr1 Honda dealer in SA?). I happen to know we had more bikes on our training than GeelHond had in his group up in Gauteng a week or so ago. Phone your dealer and find out when the next one is. You're entitled to go (that goes for you too Ettienne). Maybe your dealer never sent your details through?

The training was free and included lunch and drinks.
Well I am verry dissapointed than in Handa SA, and especialy Handa Klerksdorp for that matter, and I have spoken to Klerksdorp, I think 3 times about it. That is how a good brand is going to loose many costumers.....
nICE REPORT and pics, well done to Honda for setting the day up,nice to have some one to show you what the bike is caperble of doing :thumleft:
JO GSA said:
Well I am verry dissapointed than in Handa SA, and especialy Handa Klerksdorp for that matter, and I have spoken to Klerksdorp, I think 3 times about it. That is how a good brand is going to loose many costumers.....

Honda SA would have called if they new. They were very efficient and friendly when they spoke to me. Maybe the problem was with your dealer? Honda SA cannot call you if they don't know about you.


Ina Bateman
Honda Adventure Academy
Tel No: 0861 466 328
Fax: 086 685 7885

Here we also get a monthly newsletter from our dealer with all the upcoming events. Sad to hear if the Klerksdorp dealer is not up to standard.
Sorry for the hijack Trailrider... I enjoyed youre report, and I must admit, I enjoyed my T/A verry much aswell, thanx fot the details on Honda SA.
Great report and glad to hear it crashes so well - did the course on my KLE and am looking forward to doing it on the Honda but am having crashbars fitted before I do any dirt riding though the thought of getting it to Adsventurer is a little scary - JHB traffic on a bike I can only touch the ground on tippy tippy toe :)