Honda XRV 750 Clutch Issue

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Pack Dog
Jul 31, 2021
Reaction score
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin
I need some advice on my AT XRV 750 clutch please.

My 1995 AT 750 XRV sits on 54k kms currently and I've got some issues with the clutch. When the bike is cold, the clutch is rock solid. It only starts to work when the oil is at working temp. Then it works fine but when I switch off and the oil cools down its hard again.

The prev oil charge was a full sintetic oil and maybe that is the reason?
As per advice from a dealer I've change the oil with a normal 10W40 oil, ran it until it was hot (until the fans came on) and drained it again. Drained that oil again, replaced oil filter with new one, charged it with new 10W40 oil and hoped for the best.

No luck, it is rock hard again when cold.

Well I don't know how a wet clutch work exactly (please explain how it works so that I don't do this again) but the guy mentioned something about the plates that are saturated with the old sintetic oil or something???

1) Is there any other way to flush the clutch or any other method to solve the issue?
2) Can I only get the 7 x new clutch plates from Startline or must I get from Honda Japan at a high cost?
3) If I have to get the plates, what else must I get like springs, discs etc. for the basket.
4) Last one: Is there a quick fix or not?

Thank you

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