I hurt my hip in the head-on collision I had a few years back, but as there was nothing broken I lived with the short period of pain and limping. Everything healed nicely, or so I thought. Fast forward a year or so and after my trip through Western Cape on the 690 I start experiencing cramps in my hip when on the bike. It also looks like someone glued a golfball onto my hip - which never really bothered me until the cramps started interfering with my riding.
When I cramped I could initially relieve it by moving my knee outwards, but after a while even that did not help. Meerkatting helped, but as I was no longer on a BMW I felt it would be wrong.
OK no, it's really hard to stand up on a Rocket. I haven't ridden my KTM in months due to this, and now I can no longer ride the rocket.
So I went to see a doctor, and after some scans and things he saw there's a bag of fluid in between/intertwined with the muscle and the bone of my hip. Quite normal for a hard impact on the hip, he says, but its something that should resolve itself within a few months. Mine's been here a few years now. We tried treating it with some periodic injections to try and get my body to absorb it again, ultimately this failed.
So next Tuesday I'm going under the knife again to have it removed. It seems its all I can do now to get back to riding eventually. Unfortunately this involves the detachment of the muscle from the bone, and reattachment again so I'm in for a long recovery period and time on crutches.
I just hope that's the end of it, though, I'm getting pretty gatvol of periodic operations to sort out (further) issues after the collision.
When I cramped I could initially relieve it by moving my knee outwards, but after a while even that did not help. Meerkatting helped, but as I was no longer on a BMW I felt it would be wrong.

So I went to see a doctor, and after some scans and things he saw there's a bag of fluid in between/intertwined with the muscle and the bone of my hip. Quite normal for a hard impact on the hip, he says, but its something that should resolve itself within a few months. Mine's been here a few years now. We tried treating it with some periodic injections to try and get my body to absorb it again, ultimately this failed.
So next Tuesday I'm going under the knife again to have it removed. It seems its all I can do now to get back to riding eventually. Unfortunately this involves the detachment of the muscle from the bone, and reattachment again so I'm in for a long recovery period and time on crutches.
I just hope that's the end of it, though, I'm getting pretty gatvol of periodic operations to sort out (further) issues after the collision.