How did you get your license?

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Pack Dog
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East London
Recent posting make it apparent that rider training and awareness is seriously wanting in SA.

What I understand is that in SA you can ride ANY size bike so long as you have a learners license! Is this correct? It shows...

I am still waiting to see a rider in town or on the highway showing correct road positioning, road presence, "Road Craft".

In the UK, before you can get any license you must do a Theory test which is a 1 hour computer touch screen test.
If you pass then you must do Compulasry Basic Training (CBT) one day course to get a learners.
Your learners will get you as far as a 125cc with a big L sticker front and back.
Then you can go for the restricted test where the bike, any size, is restrcited to 33bhp (inserts in the carb/exhaust).
If you want to go from nothing to any size unrestricted engine you must to a "Direct Access" course where you have no less than 5 days of one to one training with a qualified instructer. You don't ride around a car park for 5 days. Instead you get a two way radio and the instructor follows you on your 500cc bike in all types of traffic and trains you on riding properly, drilling you on "Life savers" (Blind spot check) and focusing and road position, appropriate speed (60km/h means just that and not poer poering along at 40 as beginners do) etc.

Then the test is also not a quick spin around a netball field following the painted lines. The test involves a cop issuing you with a 1 way radio and he follows you around town giving you direction (left and right ahead). This carries on for an hour unless you make a serious error at which point you go staright back to the another session of 5 day traing at GBP1000.00 (and 5 days leave lost).
Many people fail at least once. This is the route my wife and I had to take to get our licenses.
I did mine with these guys:

Hence the reduced number of accidents per capita, increased awareness of the need for ATTGATT and general improved "Road Craft" on European roads. The minimum ATTGATT is a helmet but anything less than helmet GLOVES and sturdy boots is seriously frowned apon. Popping down to the corner shop in a t-shirt and flip=flops just doesn't happen.

In SA it seems you get it in a lucky packet and blast off on a bike way above you abilities and treat the road like your personal race track...

(Gross generalisations have been used to protect the innocent)