How not to aquaplane an XR650

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Bachelor Dog
Apr 15, 2012
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Nie van hier nie
Honda CRF 300L
I haven't been for a ride for a few weeks now so this morning I decide I'll do a ride out to Murraysburg and loop back around Nieu Bethesda and back home again. Spent Thursday evening plotting a route on BaseCamp and planned to leave around 06h00 this morning to miss the worst of the heat (it's been in the high 30s this week but today it's a warmish 40º)

So after turning my office upside down between 05h00 and 06h00 looking for the USB cable for the Garmin GPS62s so I could download the route onto the GPS,  I decided to load Murraysburg as a waypoint and go from there. See this shout for help:

Eventually got away at around 07h30 and already it was lekker hot.  The first part of my route takes you over the Sundays River about 9 times and all the crossings are these concrete driffies.  I managed to cross the first 2 without any problem although I noticed that the heat had caused a lot of algae growth on the concrete.

Then, driffie number 3, whoa Trigger!  In the foreground is where I lost it and the bike (and I) slid right across, collecting moss and algae as we went.  :biggrin:


I was also reconverted to full face helmets as I fell full on my chin and broke the dust cover off the chin part of my Uvex.  (Another shout for help:  is this part available as a replacement part for the Uvex?)


With the low sticktion of the algae, no bodily damage was incurred by me and the only damage to the XR was the RH handguard that shifted position.  Out with the Allenkey wrench and all was well.  OK besides the fact that I and the XR now looked like swamp monsters.  But it was nice and cool standing in the river  :biggrin:

So from there I take it nice and easy across all the other driffies and at the 8th one (that is wider than the others and the concrete has a crack in it), I drop the bike again! I was going slower so no real damage and I got cooled off again nicely.  I am getting the hang of this ry-en-val now so I didn't bother to take more pix.

Any vendors got specials on rider skills training with special focus on crossing snot-glad algae-covered concrete crossings?  :imaposer:

The rest of the trip wasn't very event-filled but here's a couple of pix:

Nieu Bethesda as you climb out on the Murraysburg road


Starting to get nice and warm now but nothing a long stretch of fast riding cannot cool down.


The swamp monster back home again


I kid you not, when I stripped my riding gear,  I even had moss in my jocks!

Sadly,  I passed a really bad accident on the N9 near the Cradcok turnoff where 2 vehicles, both towing trailers and looked like holiday makers going home - the Isuzu with a quad-bike trailer - had been involved in a head-on.  Looked like 4 KIA and the entire road closed down to 1 lane.  Looked like one had tried to overtake on a blind rise.  Hope it wasn't friends or family of a WD

Gespoeg en gepolish vanoggend en reg virrie volgende trippie:


Nice clear pictures ,not nice fall but your up again and as you say cool.thanks for sharing .
Ja julle boere word GEDWING om te bad so af en toe.... water is mos skaars in daai geweste  :imaposer:... Bly jy is OK !
I carry a nice little Olympus Tough camera with me and it stood up to getting a bit wet this morning as well as my grubby paws taking the pix.  I am very happy with it.
at least you got out for a nice ride, such crossings must be a nightmare
woody1 said:
Ja julle boere word GEDWING om te bad so af en toe.... water is mos skaars in daai geweste  :imaposer:... Bly jy is OK !

Man dit sal nie so erg wees om te moet bad nie as die water net skoon is.  Maar ek ruik nou lekker na Eau de Watergras  :imaposer:
By now you know, ride where the bakkie wheels go, the algae is thinnest there, never accelerate or  brake on one of these drifts.
I also fell on one of these drifts a few years ago, and as I stopped sliding the rider behind me and his pillion also came sliding past me.
tgg said:
at least you got out for a nice ride, such crossings must be a nightmare

Ja ek ry nou soos 'n delivery boy wat van 'n verkeerslig af wegtrek, sommer met my voete uit soos vlerkies.  Jy weet nie waar ek 'n stel training wiele vir 'n XR kan kry nie?  :imaposer:
ongelukkig nie, maar dit sal nogal interesant wees om te hoor wat die ouens wat bietjie ken te se het.

Maak jou oe toe en die throttle nie, miskien :imaposer:
Daai driffies wat so maklik lyk, is gewoonlik die wat die hardste byt  :imaposer:

Ek soek sulke goeters  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

... maar in rooi om by die XR te pas


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JMOL said:
Daai driffies wat so maklik lyk, is gewoonlik die wat die hardste byt  :imaposer:


Jis, Jaco, wat praat jy.  Veral nadat ek sonder pyne die eerste twee oor is.  Maar na die neerwetter, het ek my weer nederig gedra en na die tweede val, nóg nederiger  :lol8:
Crab said:
By now you know, ride where the bakkie wheels go, the algae is thinnest there, never accelerate or  brake on one of these drifts.
I also fell on one of these drifts a few years ago, and as I stopped sliding the rider behind me and his pillion also came sliding past me.

It was so slippery that even walking back looking for the dust cover of my helmet was a mission
Ek het net so neergedoner 4 Maande terug tussen Beaufort W en Victoria W. My Handlebar het my op my regterduim gemoer, die nuwe Nael is nou al so halfpad uit maar die gewrig is nog steeds besig om te genees.As ek nou op daai driwwe afkom dan loop ek hom eers. Die ergste is dat daai Water net so 2 cm diep is. :patch:
Offshore said:
Ek het net so neergedoner 4 Maande terug tussen Beaufort W en Victoria W. My Handlebar het my op my regterduim gemoer, die nuwe Nael is nou al so halfpad uit maar die gewrig is nog steeds besig om te genees.As ek nou op daai driwwe afkom dan loop ek hom eers. Die ergste is dat daai Water net si 2 cm diep is. :patch:

Eina hel!!! Nee gelukkig skuur ek toe gat al langs die fiets tot anderkant.  Maar darem kan 'n ou nie verdrink nie as die water so vlak is  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Met al die water wat jy ingekry het is jy seker nie meer dors nie of hoe? :eek7:
chrisL said:
Met al die water wat jy ingekry het is jy seker nie meer dors nie of hoe? :eek7:

hehehehe Ja my nuwe forumnaam is van nou af Amperversuip  :biggrin: