How to do a throttle sync for R10 ...

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Bachelor Dog
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hi there !

This is for an Fuel Injection R1100GS, but I'm sure others might find this useful as well. This is for syncing the throttle bodies (or throttle) - it wouldn't help for syncing carbs...

Coming back from Caledon last Sunday my bike started acting a little.

It started (sometimes) surging under constant speed (throttle between 1/4 and  3/4 open).

Then yesterday it started just dying on pull away - not the usual bmw boxer choke off when its cold - really just 'poof' and it dies. It did it on about 5 pullaways.
It might have been imagination, but it also felt like the bike had a slight vibration that wasn't there before...

Le me just say at this point for the record here that it really really irritates me to have a problem develop on my bike one day before I'm going on a motorcycle holiday that I was SO looking forward to...  :(

So then I started reading a little bit on the net.

1st site was this one :

I also got hold of this on
(Throttle Body Adjustment 2nd from the bottom)

So now I'm wondering what carb stix are and where I can find them.

Naturally I wasn't going to ...

So I got hold of this article last night:

So in natural style for my I went out, got me R10's worth of 6mm 'fishtank pypies' at a hardware store and I was on my way to try my luck...

I didn't go through the effort of mounting it on some piece of plank - that'll take waaaay to long.

So I mounted the pipes on the sliding door to the garage's safety gate.



As you can see it has already got water in it. (sucked that from the 2l on the ground).

Next I located the plugs for the connections to be used on the manifolds and took them off


Then I connected the pipes.
I used cable ties as it wasn't a complete tight seal.



And then I went about per the articles.

Couple of comments.

- Pinch the pipes on startup - it sucks water almost all the way in (almost :phew: )
- On idle it oscillates - quite easy to see where it 'settles' though.
- Water is a little light - mercury will be better - you'll never get it to be totally even in hight using water while revving through the revrange, but you'll get damn close (2 cm difference from revving up to settling at a r.p.m.)
- GS's don't like revving when standing still... I got my bearings and waited for a little cooldown before I continued.

The result ?

:D  :D  :D

Works like a charm - smoother on the pullaway, less 'surging' and a smoother ride...

R10 well spent...

We'll hit the road on Monday morning (some 'accident' between my wife and me and the helmet falling off the seat had the visor to my helmet broke outside of shop hours :( , so now I have to get a new one on Monday morning and then we can hit the road), but now the bike is purring sweetly !

Hope this helps someone...
