It was a tough decision for me - which of my two old girls should I take on the date? The skinny highly sprung one, or the portly solid one? Jon’s vague comment that “Alfie managed on a 990” didn’t manage to fill me with confidence. Even the devil on my shoulder threatened to desert me unless I took my 525.
Finally I decided on the 990 firstly because my mate Rory would be on his 950 and secondly I was leaning towards taking the 990 to NDBA and desperately needed some technical riding time on the beast before then. (Having done most tech riding on the 525).
It would also be useful to see how my Motoz Desert rear tyre would do in these conditions.
It turned out to be a good ride, with decent pace. I had to be careful with the 990 amongst the big rocks, she has substantial girth around her nether regions, and a top-heavy feel when going slowly. To make things worse she has a tendency to stall at low rpm because of (apparently) a lean mixture in the fuel injection, and a very tall 1st gear. Completely opposite to my old KLR.
Get your head around this and you have a bike which excels when it’s moving. It tracks straight, it doesn’t get deflected easily, it has plenty power, it has good suspension and ground clearance.
The Motoz Desert Tyre excelled. It hooks up very well on loose rocky climbs, which is usually where you need the most out of your rear tyre.
As for Jon, since he got his 520, he is riding faster and with more confidence. He thinks it’s the terrain that’s easier but it’s not. It’s him.
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